I'm looking for a team to run through the Vault of Glass raid with me on Xbox 360, so i can get this part of the no time to explain quest line out of the way. If so message me, GT: DragonShadowxX
Xbox One : looking for a few more to join our VoG team GT Same
Edited by Lucifers Mind: 11/11/2015 8:56:56 PM310 titian looking for atheon cp . Invite me on xbox one
313 warlock LF Atheon cp on Xbox one inv gt: omg LtZ godlike
313 warlock LF Atheon cp inv gt: omg LtZ godlike
Lfg on PS4. I don't mind running whole raid. Atheon cp preferable. PSN: The_Scoob
313 warlock LF Atheon cp inv gt: omg LtZ godlike
311 warlock looking to join team... gt is name... im a year 1 player
313 warlock LF Atheon cp inv gt: omg LtZ godlike
313 warlock inv gt: omg LtZ godlike
Xbox one, bechazzled
Anyone on Xbox one need to do it? Msg on xbox
Need 3 for vog... ntte quest... message in game for inv
Looking for oryx normal cp I'm a 310 hunter inv me at TNT Sourcerer
Anyone need ppl got 3 with me or can anyone share atheon cp much appreciated my username is motxila
Looking for a team to run vog any difficulty, just trying to get no time to explain - ps4 name is same as above
Need 3 for normal vog Ntte quest Need to speed run it quickly 300+ and must know what you're doing Msg Alexxx T1
312 hunter looking for any cp Gt ⬆️
Edited by AnEvil: 11/11/2015 8:13:44 PMClosed
Looking for group on Xbox one inv me or message me for an invite Gt: drugsunlimited
I got checkpoint near atheon normal ps4. Who wants to help out kill him. I'm 312 LL
looking to do atheon i am 307 inv if needed xb 360
Need a team for fresh normal raid same as above
304 Titan. Xbox one. Gt same
Looking Atheon checkpoint Xbox one
Looking Atheon checkpoint Xbox one