I'm looking for a team to run through the Vault of Glass raid with me on Xbox 360, so i can get this part of the no time to explain quest line out of the way. If so message me, GT: DragonShadowxX
303 hunter, 296 warlock 300 titan looking for atheon cp. Invite cybor pk
Need for 1 fresh oryx normal cp raid plz be experienced I would like to get this done by today be 295+ light Gt same above
Add weedlink10 psn
Need 3 for VoG for ntte. Message GT WarningAlloy71 on 360 for invite.
Need four more for VOG for NTTE quest. Gamer tag is same as username above.
Need 4 for a quick run. Add xSAIYANO ps4
Xbox one vog for ntte at confluxes
Hard Oryx cp • Need 2 •Must have Experience • 310+ Only • Must Have Emblem GT: Envore
Xbox 360 need 5 raid VoG
Lfg blood in the garden ps4
Running vault of glass on xbox one.. we are at the confluxes. Gt funrequired
Need 4 for normal VoG on Xbox 360 for ntte. Message GT WarningAlloy71 for invite
Hard Oryx cp • Need 2 •Must have Experience • 310+ Only • Must Have Emblem GT: Envore
Need 5 fresh xbone
Edited by Kenjo_Misheru: 11/11/2015 9:31:41 PM306 titan lfg vault of glass for the exotic , gt same as above on xb1
Ps4 lf atheon cp 308 light add Manny-Fresh8801
VoG fresh gt same msg for inv. I can join you.
Need a VoG team on 360, msg for invite
Inv HansMartin749 on xb1 for ntte quest
Edited by TheGrillDriller: 11/11/2015 9:17:32 PM305 titan needing a team for ntte vog quest
Kings fall raid normal 290+ Death singer checkpoint
Lf atheon cp. Gt same
Need 3 people. GT same as username
Lfg blood in the garden ps4
Xbox One : looking for a few more to join our VoG team GT Same