originally posted in:The Roleplay League
Name: Leonardo Astrapí.
Race/Gender: Human/Male
Class/Subclass: Warlock/stormcaller
Description: Grey hair with blue eyes. He's 6'1. Also a little x mark on his left cheek. Armor color is White and dark blue. The X on his cheek starts to charge when his curse activates. Curse: He goes into a coma for 2 days everytime he uses storm caller and forgets everything that happened.
Bio: The 30th prince of the Storm tracer Kingdom. He lead half of the kingdoms army in the battle of twilight at the age of 16. Due to him using storm caller, he has forgotten the battle and the king orders everyone not to tell him.
He is now 18 looking for his long-lost brother named cane.
Personality: acts like an idiot and clowns.
Weapons: Two Bolt-casters and chains up his sleeves.
Armor: http://prntscr.com/8wjnf7 <<< picture that with white and dark blue shader.
Class Item: lighting bond
i still haven't gotten accepted ;-;
Sorry bout that Lemme take a look....