If 20 minutes is a lot to you, I feel bad
I'm pretty sure if you got everything you needed in consistent drops, you would post about how there's nothing left to do.
Read paragraph 4.... And yes, I care a lot if 20 min are wasted. Being a college student, every minute of your free time is valuable.
You would still experience burnout at a quicker rate. Also, you aren't the only one who attends college. Have you juggled a night job with that?
I'm not poor so no. And if you're juggling college with a night job and say that 20 min is nothing, then you're either lying or a hypocrite. Or doing some shitty soft core subject which doesn't take any effort.
Edited by Magebanker: 10/29/2015 12:34:09 AMSo you still rely on mom & dad, got it. I see you have yet to understand the concept of choosing to have more than what you need. Did I poke a nerve? Probably did. But hey, it's your fault for not being able to manage a flexible schedule. 20 minutes [i]is[/i] nothing. Anyways, good luck!