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10/28/2015 5:21:58 PM

Holiday Festival Controversy

I was on the forums today and saw two posts specifically about holiday festivals in the Tower. There were two posts that generated quite a bit of controversy, one that called for a Christmas Festival and one that called for a Ramadan Festival. After reading these posts I couldn't believe how hypocritical and backwards some people on the forums are. Most accept a Christmas festival but are absolutely offended by the mere thought of a Ramadan Festival. Have we really fallen so far? Posting inappropriate phrases to bash the Islamic faith and making jokes about terrorism. It really is a shame. Don't give me the cop out excuses of that Christmas is more commercialized and makes up the majority, those explanations are complete crap, not everyone wants to celebrate a holiday with Christian roots. I for one don't even think that Destiny has any of the faiths we have presently. They praise the Traveler as their Savior and the Speaker is sort of the Pope to the people in a sense. I don't Christmas exists. I do, however, think that having a seasonal festival of some sort would be great TL;DR [i]What justifiable reason can you give me for such a huge difference in opinion?[/i] PS- for those that agree what do you think would be a good idea for a festival during the holiday season?

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  • Let's go with a festival celebrated where bungie headquarters are. Then no one can cry.

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  • That poll was BS. I'm not offended by Ramadan, I just don't want to celebrate it. Why the -blam!- are people even requesting these RL holidays? We currently have a festival of the lost, which seems heavily based on The day of the dead.( hint the masks being of lost, dead or just scary things(prepatch cryptarch)). it's not a Halloween or day of the dead event, even though it maybe inspired by them. It's just an event for the holidays. Get over it. If they have variks(however his name is spelt) dress up like krumpas and give us evilly made fallen toys in December is it celebrating Christmas? NO. It's a fictional event based on a fictional story in a fictional game. Let it go and stop trying to pass these passive aggressive cult spreading ideas of religion into a game.

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  • It's best to leave faith out of this. For there will be many disagreements. None of which will further the games enjoyment for anyone. It's a nice gesture but not needed. Just play.

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  • So much butt hurt here

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  • Everyone is just so damn sensitive these days. "Oh my gosh, a blue flaming skull, they are pushing satanism on me!" Or "Oh my gosh there's presents and a tree in tower, they must be trying to push Christianity down my throat!" Seriously, don't read too much into these things, this generation is filled with the most whiney pansies to date. Have fun with whatever they decide to do or not do.

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    4 Replies
    • Pretty sure if they do xmas it will be the santa side of it..not the jesus side no one cares for lol. Like WoW has every major holiday mascot, not religious figure.

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      • The only controversy I see is the one you're trying to stir up.

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      • Wait..why are these posts a thing?.....

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      • Halloween, new years. That's all there's allowed. Why? Because useless wastes of skin that say "give us holiday themes!", then when an Eastern culture says if, those wastes of skin turn into racist wastes of skin. People like that, you're the reason why religion is mocked at.

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      • 1
        [quote]and making jokes about terrorism[/quote] Terrorism is no joke, son. People are dying everyday due to terrorist acts around the world. Calm down before you say something you shouldn't.

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      • Lol I didn't even pay attention to those posts. Sounds like b8.

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      • The last year of Destiny we saw a Day of the Lost festival. It's similar to Halloween and Day of the Dead festivals. Nowadays, Halloween is more of a "Hallmark Holiday" with no generally accepted religion being the main drive for the celebration. It's celebrated by most as a non political, non religious excuse for a party. There were no holidays celebrated which focused on a particular religious foundation or political stance. The Day of the Lost was essentially invented for the word of Destiny with loose inspiration feom Halloween based on a desire to have some fun and be silly for a week. I urge anyone with religious beliefs who wish to celebrate a meaningful holiday to do so, and not be offended by the exclusion of religion in Destiny. To put a religious ceremony in a video game trivializes it. We all have our values and traditions. I think it's great that such diversity can be found in the world and our community. Please celebrate those traditions, values and beliefs in whatever way is truly meaningful to you. Spend time with loved ones, make it real, make it personal and important. Destiny, a video game is neither real or important. Destiny is merely a distraction from the real world, frivolous entertainment. Don't turn something deeply meaningful to you into something equally frivolous. Happy holidays.

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        • -blam!- yeah Rammstein festival! Oh... Wait.... What?!

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        • Bungie will find some common elements in winter and end of the year celebrations and use that to make their own. That's really the best way to get around religious/cultural barriers.

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        • I have no problems with Ramadan it made taking out insurgents easier in Afghanistan. No food or water all day just kills your fighting ability. Now before you get pissed I said insurgents not Muslims.

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        • All religions are cancerous.

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          5 Replies
          • I celebrate Christmas but I'm not Christian. Many people do. Who celebrates Ramadan who's not religious? [spoiler]Also, that guy seemed to have made that post [i]specifically[/i] to spark this "controversy". Which is why he got negative replies. [/spoiler]

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          • Christmas hasn't been christian since santa claus was invented.

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            2 Replies
            • My previous comment on this subject got ninja'd. So apparently, when I speak my mind about how bungie has -blam!-ed up their own game, and I get told to go -blam!-ing kill myself by some lowlife desticle that's fine. But let me speak my opinion about this shit and I'm in violation. Yeah, go -blam!- yourself bungie.

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              • I rather enjoy bashing on extremists of any creed. As far as destiny goes, no religion should be depicted as we view it. How long since the collapse is it? What religion supports undead warriors? How much about religion survived?

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                2 Replies
                • Edited by Ne0nK0ala: 10/29/2015 10:07:31 PM
                  I accept neither, mutual events only that do not have links to religion. 1: it doesn't make sense in game. 2: it divides communities and leaves people out, some might not even be allowed to play during events that contradict their religion. New Years bash/ the Chinese festival of light ( the later makes a lot of sense) would be awesome, an entire event for religion would not. You could even have the New Years party span during the end of December to the first week of January, it could then be used to celebrate Christmas or not, and because Chinese New Year is always around March time that would suffice as a mid-year party, done.

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                • Well one is based on a belief that are non believers are infidels. Sounds pretty welcoming to me

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                  3 Replies
                  • Why does religion matter??? Christmas is not a religious holiday for what 3/4 of the world? Yet we still celebrate. Its about a year being over and giving thanks and love to those you care for. At what point did a game become prujudiced if it does a fcuking xmas party!!!???? Anyone who goes against christmas celebrations based on religious belief is a bigoted prick, you people are what is wrpng in the world right now even if you are way at the bottom of the scale. Take a chill pill there are no magical beings you crazy lunatics we are here by chemical reaction Stop using messed up theories about where we came from to persecute US Im sick of it.

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                    • Festival of the Lost made sense. The other ones do not. If they have any other events that are near holidays they should be Destiny specific. Example: -New Years could stay New Years. Celebrating surviving the Darkness another year. -The winter season could be the Celebration of the Light. Though I would probably make this sometime in the spring and just let New Years even run though the end of December into January. -You could definitely have some fun with Valentines Day. Something fire team related. -Maybe have a day of Mourning for the Traveler. I'm sure there is a holiday for this somewhere.

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                      2 Replies
                      • Edited by Legend_Killa7: 10/29/2015 2:06:15 PM
                        let me ask you this: how would they decorate the tower for Ramadan? huh? seriously?? stupid people will always be stupid. Now if you said let's decorate for Hanukah, I would understand. But these people that are just like: "well if you are going to decorate the tower with Christmas Trees, Christmas lights, Christmas wreaths, etc etc then I want it decorated for Ramadan" are what is really wrong with this world. I'm sure people are looking for trees, wreaths, etc like I said above. Now if people wanted a Manger with Baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph with angels and stuff all over the Tower, then I think you MAY (MAY) have a valid point. Half the people I know who celebrate Christmas are not even in the Christian Religion. These people that do not realize what Christmas is, or what it represents and want to take it away have problems.

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                        5 Replies
                        • Christmas is a commercialised holiday that, under the current accepted practice of it, has no religous practice involved. Ramadam is not

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