( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Edit: at least this is an accurate representation of the true Bungie community
Replace the phrase "I play Destiny everyday" too "I play all dae ery dae." That seems to be the more appropriate title.
No way
Salt level? More like [b]REALISTIC POLL[/b]
There is no over 9000 answer
Game here hoping for an over 9000 option. Pretty dissapointed
Salt level : gourmet chocolate. I play daily, some time both consoles, some times on different 3 separate accounts.
No "Over 9000!!!" option?
Edited by KarlousVandango: 10/28/2015 12:37:46 PMPlaying halo at the mo it's fun nice change :)
Glenn died
Halo and AC for me till zombies comes out
I'm a desticle. I play everyday, literally. Maybe take a hour or so for syndicate. Will do the same for fallout 4.
I used to play Dank Souls, I have a dormant salt mine inside of me waiting to be set free.
Rhabby_V level
Shit this was suppose to go in density