Welcome to the official raid group finder for "Blooded Cast" every one is welcome to exploit my creation to there own benefit.
If you do find yourself frequently using this epic page please /\ it for my self gratification.
on that note everyone should know how to post, its easy really
hi am a (guardian)
light 320
looking for fresh run
msg my (Xbox/Bungie) account.
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/167995707/0/0/1]XBOX ONE KINGS FALL HARD RAID GROUP FINDER [/url]
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/170294662]XBOX ONE KINGS FALL NORMAL RAID GROUP FINDER[/url]
[url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/170711758]XBOX ONE PRISON OF ELDERS GROUP FINDER[/url]
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/170714231]XBOX ONE CROTAS END HARD RAID GROUP FINDER[/url]
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/170715031]XBOX ONE CROTAS END NORMAL RAID GROUP FINDER[/url]
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/170715258]XBOX ONE VAULT OF GLASS HARD RAID GROUP FINDER [/url]
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/170715587]XBOX ONE VAULT OF GLASS NORMAL RAID GROUP FINDER [/url]
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/170717164]XBOX ONE CRUCIBLE GROUP FINDER [/url]
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/170717827]XBOX ONE TRIALS OF OSIRIS GROUP FINDER [/url]
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/170717999]XBOX ONE IRON BANNER GROUP FINDER [/url]
Need 1 for sister cp MSG kingdartar for inv
319 Titan looking for fresh run (or totems) with an experienced group. Would like to run Raid in one hour I have a 320 Touch and a 320 Spindle. Send INV. GT: Onslaught200
Need one for sisters
Need a solid runner for oryx cp msg illwill121482 for inv 315 plus
Need 1 Titan for fresh run. We are doing challenge. We have fun but we get it done. Message ViBe Tundra
Lf experienced hunter. At warpriest. Msg zomboybeatdown for Invt.
Need 3 people for fresh run on hard. 310+. No noobs and GT is Viroolian King
Need 3 for a totems checkpoint. Let's go! Hard mode oryx add jessethehokage1
316 Hunter looking for Oryx
Need 3 people for fresh run on hard. 310+. No noobs and GT is Viroolian King
Need 1 for totems, hard mode. Going for golgoroth, message for invite
Xbox one oryx checkpoint need two, message me if you are interested.
Need 2 +315 titans for totems on hard Msg Mr McMuffin13 for a inv.
Need two for oryx prefer 312+ need malice an mic, have experienced players trying to actually do it. Scrubs will be kicked. GT same as above.
LF 2 at hard totems CP. no kids Message Upp3rman
Need 2 at oryx checkpoint msg AIR LANDO
Need one for fresh hard raid message nmr1800 with light for invite
Looking for 310+ for Golgoth challenge mode check point ! Must know how to do it please and be super chill , send Casper 101411 or lilmrshennessy a message !
It's a long shot but I'm a 306 Hunter with touch of mallice. I know how to do the raid but hoping I can be pulled through on hard.
Need 4 more for oryx checkpoint. Message me for invite. Gamertag is GHOST F1SH
Need 1 for Hard oryx 312 + gt Homemadebasher5
Looking for 1 more person msg me or inv me gt is Baseballpro08 must have touch of malice and be 310+ fresh start
Looking for 1 more person msg me or inv me gt is Baseballpro08 must have touch of malice and be 310+ fresh start
318 warlock looking for golgoroth challenge on hard. Invite me.
Need five for fresh
312 Warlock for fresh hard mode King's Fall. Invite me. GT: Behold Voodoo