Two Penguins did not walk from the Antarctic to the Middle East.
[url=]Main Reason Here[/url]
Im -blam!-ing fed up with this. 8/10 threads in #offtopic are about -blam!-ing religion. -blam!- IT! I don't give a shit about god or jesus or mohammed or any of that bullshit. I have had better discussions with a -blam!-ing trash can. Its lame, idiotic, and all the -blam!-ing evangelists are going insane talking about it. NO -blam!-S GIVEN! What's that? Atheists are assholes? Nobody gives a shit what you think! This is why people are at war! They won't shut the -blam!- up about how their religion is better! Just -blam!-ing STOP! All the people who -blam!- about religion just shit all over the place. Its disgusting. If you support, sign and bump this thread. To help stop the religious infection, copy and paste this message on a religious thread. Thanks.