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originally posted in: In regards to this "Oryx Cheese"
10/26/2015 4:35:41 PM
Not true you are doing something to bypass a new mechanic added specifically for hard raid. Not having to kill the Knights makes it a bit easy no?

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  • You and a lot of other people seem to be mixing up mechanics and ways of dealing with nechanics. The mechanic is the knight that spawns to try and take the bomb, killing said knight is only a method of dealing with the mechanic. That being said, how is the mechanic bypassed? The knights still spawn and will still try to steal the bombs. You can deal with it by either detonating the bombs before they can steal them or kill them before they can steal them. The first method can be done by either shortening the window between bombs appearing and knights spawning or distracting them.

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  • Here's other reasons. Not wasting ammo or time killing pointless adds. Whoops, there goes that thing called "common sense" again, so silly that. Besides.... if bungies idea of making a fight harder is to add 4 easy to kill knights which serve no purpose other than to annoy, then they have failed at creativity. which deserves to be completely ignored. I could add a few examples from other raids, but it isn't worth the couple KB to transfer it to the website servers.

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  • This is not the same as cheesing the bridge or pushing the templar. You are using the built in mechanic of keeping the ogres alive until you need them dead. The knights still get triggered, just too late for them to be effective. Bungie should do nothing to prevent this method from being used. This is similar to the central platform strategy at Crota hard to avoid killing boomers so those wizards wouldn't come out.

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  • I'm not saying that they should do anything to remove it if you choose to do this method and it works good for you. My only point is that the Knights were specifically added to hard mode so you would have to take the extra 3 seconds to kill it before running to the middle you not doing this is bypassing a mechanic that is all.

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  • But look at what it requires you to do. Not sure why people would complain about legit strategies people use to overcome new challenges. If this was cheesing the bridge, I would agree. This is not a cheese. I would say this strategy is also filled with more peril. You have to avoid getting killed by those ogres and pray your relic runner is on point. ANY mistakes and its wipe time.

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  • Hey you do you, if it works for you and you're group use it! Again my only point here is that there was basically 1 mechanic added to the hard oryx fight and that was the Knights.

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  • I haven't actually made it Oryx on hard get your point though. Bungie should come up with ways to increase difficulty that are more than just throwing in more enemies. Prior to HM release they made it sound like it was going to be very different. They talked of giving us 1 more plate to spin, and that they tweaked the mechanics of hard mode, then removed the elements that made those mechanics to give us the normal raid. Yet, the smidgen of changes were so non impacting we had teams completing hard mode only 1hr 20 mins after its release... So that is why I have no problem with this strategy. Bungie didn't offer up much of a challenge with hard mode.

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  • You have 3 hunters. Shut up

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  • Are you 12?

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  • 28, I just don't like stupid people 😁

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  • 3 of 1 char is smart for the people with a RL GL on getting 3 chars to 320 and then 330 and then......, that sure sounds SMART

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  • You're an rng cheeser, cheeser

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  • I'm not playing this game to get all my characters to max level in a week sadly. I know it's hard to fathom.

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  • Right like the kind of stupid people that see a post that they disagree with and immediately inspect the person then comment something immature like "you have 3 Hunters shut up"

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  • While having 3 god damn hunters is utterly silly and hard not to laugh at. I wouldn't use it in a pathetic attempt at silencing someone like some moron. Whoops, perfect example right above with a profile name even more lame than mine.

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  • Please explain why having 3 Hunters is "silly"

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  • Edited by YummyYummYum: 10/26/2015 6:25:34 PM
    In the same way having 3 titans or 3 warlocks is silly. 3 classes 3 character slots, why would bungie give 3 slots if were just going to make 3 copies of only 1 class when clearly the intention was for 1 of each class. It's odd. You complain about people ignoring a mechanic that bungie put in the raid intentionally to be confronted by a raid team. So then why do you ignore bungies clear intention of players making 1 of each class by making only 1 class 3 times over while ignore the other 2. This is a small case of hypocrisy. Silly things are silly to normal people in the way furries and bronies are silly or weird to normal people. It is not "normal". A normal person would have made 1 of each class when presented with 3 classes and 3 character slots. You chose to do something NOT normal. Starting to get it now? It gave me a feeling and what came up in my mind was "That's a little weird, why make 3 of the same when there are 2 other classes to use.. lol". Please don't misunderstand. I'm not saying you are a freak of nature or an abomination, but you did in fact deviate from what a normal person would have done when presented with such a particular scenario. It is simply a "weird" thing to do, that is all. I wouldn't think too deeply into it. Psychology could explain in greater detail i'm sure, but that isn't what i care to do. You asked and i answered. Edit: Forgot to mention my use of the word "Silly". Using "weird" or "odd" didn't feel correct to use due to how i wished to describe it. So i used "silly" as a means to express that the subject being described was humorous yet odd/weird at the same time.

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  • Nope, the other kind!

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