But if it was a clan only for men it would be sexist and misogynistic
I have literally never heard someone say that.The only people who [i]ever[/i] say that are people who claim there's some sort of double standard that doesn't even exist. I fully support the idea of an all male clan and a man's right to create an all male clan.I've never seen anyone actively against this.
There are clans for men only (thinking about Dads of Destiny here), and speaking personally, I think they're great. They have a particular mission and by all accounts, provide a great, supportive environment for their members. What's not to support? Even if there were a male-only clan of woman-hating misogynists, they would still have a right to have their group. If they'd put that in their clan description, it'd be superhelpful actually, since it would let me know ahead of time to steer clear of their members.