Yea, the problem I have with the titan=tank argument is the mobility issue. Tanks should be slow but titans are arguably the fastest class in the game on top of having a stupid strong super armor.
I say keep it as is and remove their jump when they activate Sol. Keep them on the ground like a tank.
Umm hunters move sooooooo much faster and so do warlocks, have u ever played Titan for a while then swapped to either of the other classes. There's a huge ass difference
Yup I play all three. Get a couple classes together, stand with your back to the wall at a straight away and have a little race. You will notice little if any difference in Sprint speed. The only major variable in movement speed is the jump ability and the titan's jump has the most potential to cover distance quickly. They did try to improve hunter movement speed with the keen scout perk but I honestly don't notice a difference.
Have you ever heard of Titan Skating