I think most people have at least one strange habit that leads them to some hobby.
Example: I used to spin my lighter across my knuckles while smoking. That led to juggling things like empty coke bottles, cell phones, pretty much anything, really, and eventually, diabolo, kendama, fushigi, knives (and knife rave) etc.
Super weird, I know. So, what's yours?
>be me >7th grade >small as -blam!- >friend comes up hes pretty cool >Pulls out smarties >-blam!- yea candy.jpeg >he looks at me and crushes them up >i sit mortified >lines the dust on the table >i watch in horror as he sucks it through his nose >tell me to do it >im not a fgt >snorts the dusty >fade from existence >wake up 3 weeks later in a ditch butt naked >no clue what happened >get more dust >do it again >not enough move to crack >habit to hobby