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Edited by Wolvers: 1/29/2013 9:20:08 AM

[Novel] True Sangheili (Part 39 available!) ~ 18 December

SCHOLAR, SOLDIER, HERETIC... SAVIOUR. At first, the life of a warrior in the Covenant army seems a noble one. But are the motives behind the war with the humans as innocent as the Sangheili, Sorran, believes? An act of heresy unveils a conspiracy spanning thousands of years, which could bring about the total ruin of the Covenant. [i] True Sangheili[/i], from the fan fiction author of [url=]Halo 3: Insurrection[/url] and [url=]Memoirs of an ODST[/url]. [u] ==[b]CHAPTER LISTING[/b]==[/u] [b]Book I[/b] ([url=]PDF[/url]) [url=]Prologue + Chapter list[/url] [url=]Part One - Sorran[/url] [url=]Part Two - Warrior[/url] [url=]Part Three - Besieged[/url] [url=]Part Four - Into Custody[/url] [url=]Part Five - Interrogated[/url] [url=]Part Six - Assessment[/url] [url=]Part Seven - Covert Extraction[/url] [url=]Part Eight - To kill a Demon[/url] [url=]Part Nine - Immortal Repentance[/url] [url=]Part Ten - Insertion[/url] [url=]Part Eleven - To show mercy[/url] [url=]Part Twelve - Heresy, of the greatest kind[/url] [url=]Part Thirteen - Trial and Punishment[/url] [url=]Part Fourteen - Factions within Factions[/url] [url=]Part Fifteen - The Truth[/url] [b]Book II[/b] [url=]Part Sixteen - Life goes on[/url] [url=]Part Seventeen - Things never go according to plan[/url] [url=]Part Eighteen - The sound of battle[/url] [url=]Part Nineteen - Old habits die hard[/url] [url=]Part Twenty - Cultural differences[/url] [url=]Part Twenty One - Personified Death[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Two - Breaking Point[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Three - Turnabout[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Four - Breaking free[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Five - Mutiny[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Six - Skirmishes, and Reflections[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Seven - Shrouded Heresy[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Eight - Signs and Portents[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Nine -Parted Reunion[/url] [url=]Part Thirty - Honour[/url] [url=]Part Thirty One - Visitations to the past[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Two - Loss concealed within victory[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Three - The best intentions[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Four -The Tower came crashing down.[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Five - Blood runs thick, brotherhood runs thicker.[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Six - For whom the bell tolls, for whom hell calls.[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Seven - Daggers in a cloak.[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Eight - Gods and their weapons.[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Nine - Trials of Delphi.[/url] [i]Next chapter ETA: Valve Time[/i] **** ***** ***** ****** ***** [b]Prologue[/b] [i]Edict of the Most High Prophet of Truth, 9th Age of Reclamation.[/i] By the authority of the noble Prophets of Truth, Regret, and Mercy. Henceforth, any and all battle worthy Sangheili are to be transferred from any idle posts in High Charity and/or upon any Covenant held world/ship into the active combat. Those amongst the excused are the Honour Guard, the Councillors, and the mentally ill, physically unfit, and the old. Female Sangheili are, as always, prohibited from taking part in any military action. Any Sangheili engaged in a guard post, other than the Honour Guard, will be replaced by the Jiralhanae until such a time as the High Council deems otherwise. Any Jiralhanae in question of where they now stand shall direct all enquiries to Tartarus, Chieftain of the Jirahanae. Failure to adhere to this edict will result in death. No exceptions. These are trying times, my brothers. The Human infidels persist in resisting the might of the Covenant. Rest assured, this 'war' as some are calling it, will be over soon -- to be forgotten and dismissed as an insignificant event in Covenant history. [Edited on 12.17.2012 5:35 PM PST]

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  • aw man. When are you gonna do more of these? [Edited on 12.28.2010 5:39 PM PST]

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  • I did intend that, thanks for picking it up. I find it very interesting to write and make the readers sympathise with the Elites and want them to be safe, even if that means something bad for humanity, who are the usual protagonists in Halo.

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  • When you think about it, it's pretty ironic how you've made the humans in the story become the actual aliens when we ourselves are human too.

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  • I think that it's very interesting how you managed to alienate the humans in the story, making them seem strange which causes a juxtaposition between having the reader's sympathies lie with the humans in the game and with the elites in the story. Don't know if you actually intended to do that, but if you did, then job well done!

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  • wow. just wow. this is epicness to the max man

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  • I love this. I appreciate the time you spent to make this.

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  • once agien worthy of a award

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  • Nice one, good twist.

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  • Great work Wolvers! It was worth the wait!

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  • Hurray for finally completing another chapter! Took you long enough ;p

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  • Finally Wolvers, Good job too.

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  • * * * * * * * * * * * The mutiny began soon after that. Not with violent words or an open defiance. It simply happened, as lynch mobs decided to take matters into their own hands. From there the situation escalated. "The prisoner's injuries are grave, and I'm under orders from the Admiral not to let anyone near him," Doctor Thrace informed the crowd clustered in front of his door, voice trembling slightly. His hand hovered behind him by the red button which would summon security. "We don't give a flying toss, Doc," the apparent head of the group answered, glaring down at Thrace, who swallowed nervously. "That split-lip killed one of our own under our damn noses, and we demand justice!" "I'm going to have to ask you to leave, sergeant," Thrace replied, mustering his courage. "If you've got a problem, take it up with the Admiral--" Ahkrin heard all this faintly, as if he were underwater and hearing voices above the surface. He ached all over as his eyes began to slowly open. The Sangheili was inside a small cubical, lying on a hospital bed. From the sound of it, the people speaking were some metres away, standing by the entrance to the small medical bay. They couldn't see him, yet. In the air hung the smell of primitive human chemicals they used as treatments. The voices escalated, becoming angrier and more frenzied. "Security!" Ahkrin faintly heard one shout. "They're behind us, Doc. On the right side. How 'bout you? You gonna let us take the scaly bastard or are we gonna have to take extreme measures?" Ahkrin's mind finally woke up, and he was made aware of the danger that he was in. He propped himself up, stifling the gasp of pain begging to be released as best as he could. His legs were set in heavy white casts, and gingerly he tested them. Left foot. [i]Pain![/i] After recovering from the unbearable heat surging through his body, Ahkrin realised that the leg he had been shot in was still useless. Only his right leg had healed sufficiently enough for him to stand on without nearly fainting. "What is this, a mutiny?!" the Doctor demanded, voice growing shriller and full of fear. Ahkrin spotted what he presumed to be a crutch near his bed, and grabbed it. He experimented standing up with it, and found that he could move without collapsing. [i]But I'm in no state to fight who-knows-how-many healthy humans like this,[/i] Ahkrin thought to himself, knowing that he could not bludgeon his way through this situation. Then he spotted it, gleaming on the table. A small scalpel, left out in the open for anyone to grab. The foolish Doctor had left him a weapon. Ahkrin quickly grabbed it, and slowly hobbled towards the entrance to his cubicle, posting himself at the side of it in preparation. Finally, what he knew had been coming from the moment he had regained full awareness happened. [i]Smack![/i] The Doctor cried out in shock, before dropping heavily to the ground as the mutinying humans stepped over him. Ahkrin heard all this, using his skills to paint a mental picture of the scene. He could faintly hear the Doctor still breathing, but that might not last for long. [i]Why am I worried about that? He's human. Sorran's infectious sentimentally had better not be affecting me also.[/i] He snapped back to the present. What he was about to do was foolish and all depended on the camaraderie these marines shared. But there was no other option. "He's over here," the aggressor who had seemingly hit to doctor spoke. "I'll go get him, you take point." Ahkrin's hearts pounded as he waited for the man to enter the room. A head peeked through the doorway, grinning maliciously as he held a taut wire in his hand. The grin turned to a puzzled frown as the human saw an empty bed. He looked around. And Ahkrin struck. Moving quickly and ignoring the pain, he dealt a swift and neutralising blow to the human's abdomen, knocking all the wind out of him. Pain shot through Ahkrin's body like a million needles puncturing his skin, and he struggled to suppress it. Before he could recover his breath, Ahkrin grabbed the man and held him in a tight vice grip, holding the scalpel up to his neck. The Sangheili could probably kill him without the weapon, but didn't want to chance anything in his state. Besides, a blade held to a throat looked far more menacing. The attack had been completely silent, something Ahkrin was proud of, especially given his condition. His hand was clamped tightly over the man's mouth, masking all but bulbous, uncomprehending eyes staring up at him with horror. Ahkrin bared his teeth and felt the man struggle slightly. He was afraid. He could hear the humans outside the cubicle murmuring, wondering what was taking so long. Ahkrin finally decided to put the next step of his plan in gear. "Are all you humans so easily taken hostage? I have had better tussles with a grub," Ahkrin spoke loudly, immediately inciting gasps. Slowly, he walked out, dragging the hapless human hostage along with him. He was met with wide eyed stares and levied pistols. "Let him go," a burly security guard said, hands shaking. His behaviour was emulated throughout the rest of the group. "Not likely my friend. Throw down your weapons." One or two loosened their tight grasp on their pistols, but the rest hesitated. A marine finally decided to speak, stepping forward with a pitiful attempt at an unconcerned look. "Kill him, he doesn't matter to us," she said in a tone which she hoped was nonchalant. Ahkrin let the ghost of a smile flicker across his beaten face, having detected several give-aways in the woman's words that showed him as clearly as words could that she, and therefore most likely everyone else cared about this man's well-being. "Really? Very well then," Ahkrin answered, pressing ever so slightly with the scalpel, drawing a few drops of blood. The man stiffened, and he heard the tell-tale gasps from the others that betrayed the fact that they all cared. "Wait," one of them spoke, his face covered by a mirrored visor. Coward. Ahkrin turned to him coolly. "Weapons. Floor. Don't pretend that you don't understand me; in all probability I speak your language better than you do. Now comply with my commands, or this man dies." "And then we shoot you," the security guard who had first spoken answered. "You ain't gonna kill him." "Maybe not, but that doesn't mean I can't... oh, I don't know," Ahkrin lazily crept a few sharp fingers (his nails needed t-blam!- direly) up the man's face, resting them below his eyes. "Perhaps gouge out his eyes? Cut out his tongue? Render all his senses useless, so that he is just a husk of a man trapped with only his own no doubt painfully droll thoughts for the rest of his life? It's your decision." His threats were shortly met with pale, sickened faces and the clattering of weapons as they dropped to the ground. Ahkrin smiled in a macabre fashion, before nodding at a small cell in the corner of the room no doubt designed to contain those too dangerous to be treated in the open. In their arrogance, the humans hadn't thought that he'd be able to move in his state. "Get in there, all of you. Don't make me wait." They reluctantly moved as one into the cell, cramped and pressed up against the bars uncomfortably. Ahkrin flicked a switch on the far wall, beginning the process of shutting the cell door. At the last second, Ahkrin tore the man who was his hostage away from him and threw him into the cell too. A desperate marine lunged for the gap, trapping his fingers inside and screaming with pain as they were crushed by the heavy steel. "Like thornbeast penned for the slaughter," Ahkrin breathed, picking up one of their discarded rifles and aiming it at them. They all shrank back, terrified. Ahkrin's finger rested on the trigger, slowly squeezed. And stopped. Ahkrin stared at them for a second and their helpless plight, before lowering the rifle down to his side and exhaling. "I'll let you live if you tell me what you planned to do. Is this confined?" A female marine shook her head, unable to tear her eyes away from the heavy rifle as it was effortlessly held at Ahkrin's side like she would hold a pistol. "Ship-wide mutiny. You're the enemy! And Admiral Cole is treating you like guests. We're sick of it, and you're all going to pay. We may not have gotten you but someone will, murdering split-lip," she spat, and Ahkrin nodded. "We'll see about that." His attention turned next to the prone body of Doctor Thrace, and he chuckled gormlessly, indicating the body. "Perhaps next time you should remember who your allies are." They collectively winced, and Ahkrin bent down to check the man's pulse. After a few minutes of rudimentary examinations he confirmed that the man was stable. He turned away, wondering absently why he was pleased with this discovery. [i]I need to get to Zharn, and quick. If there's a mutiny, they'll be going after him for sure,[/i] Ahkrin thought as he left the hospital door and entered a generic piece of the ship's hallway, picking up another rifle and holding it in his other hand as he walked, edges of the ridiculously thin medical garment swaying slightly. [i]We've been helpless for too long; in the chaos this mutiny will bring, it is our chance to make our escape. Perhaps I'll even get lucky and we'll end up leaving Orpheus behind.[/i] [Edited on 12.16.2010 11:06 AM PST]

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  • Sorry that the wait has been so very long, I've been up to my neck in exams over the past few months. They're out of the way until the end of January now, and I should be able to start posting chapters on a more regular basis. It may not be the quickest, but I'll keep writing until the very end. [b]Part 24 - Breaking free[/b] "You underestimated him." "I know that!" Truth snapped at his fellow hierarch, wheeling around and glaring at the ancient face of Mercy. "Does this really matter? It was hardly an important decision. Eridanus II will be receiving reinforcements, I do not see the major issue," Regret replied loftily, polishing the handle of his treasured plasma pistol with an absent-minded expression. [i]Smack![/i] The pitiful slap of Truth struck Regret in the face, and shock registered more than pain. Regret sat down, staring up at the livid Truth, whose usually calm and collected manner had completely broken down. Regret hadn't seen him this angry since when Truth first discovered that another knew the secret of the sacred rings. "Restraint has challenged us on this; he could challenge us on anything, you puppet fool! This is all your fault; if you hadn't told him of what the Oracle told us then none of this would be happening. One failure after another with you, Regret, the most recent being the loss of the Forerunner fleet that could have ended this nightmare of a war in a single sweep!" The words stung more than the strike had, and Regret winced. Mercy was watching the scene with a tired expression, and finally decided to intervene. "Enough. What's done is done, and arguing shall get us no where. So Restraint has finally come out of hiding; what of it? We simply kill him." "It's not that simple, Mercy," Truth answered in a gentler tone. Regret could see that Truth respected Mercy, but respect did not equate to friendship where Truth was concerned. The fact of the matter was that none of them were friends. All were tied together by the titles and knowledge they shared in an unbreakable bond, but all that did was make the dislike more apparent. "Because he is a High Councillor? Yes, you are right. Were he to suddenly turn up dead, all of High Charity would be in uproar. Investigations would be conducted and some small trace of evidence would be found linking the killing to us." "Then what if he weren't a High Councillor?" Regret asked simply, half-expecting another strike from Truth. "If he weren't then his death would be scrutinised far less closely," Mercy added, inclining his aged head which threatened to buckle his serpentine neck towards Regret in acknowledgement. Truth studied both of them, before smiling broadly. "Nobody cares about the life of a heretic. But how would we go about bringing him down to this level? The Minister is a popular man amongst the people." "There's always a way, Truth. It may take time, but we will find a way." * * * * * * * * * * "My knowledge of human systems is limited, but this isn't an elevator," Ahkrin told the human guard accompanying him, shifting a little nervously, the heavy, solid steel restraints holding his limbs still paining him as he did so. Then, suddenly-- [i]Thud![/i] Ahkrin found himself staring at the ground, a few seconds lost and blood trickling openly from his nose. His eyes swam as he tried to make sense of what had just happened. Before he could, he was rolled over by the male marine (who was large for a human) and staring down the sight of a barrel. Again. Was there something about him which made people want to kill him? "That senescent fool Cole wants us all to treat you like honoured guests," the marine spat, a feral snarl creeping across his face and murder leaping into his bruised, bloodshot eyes. The human lifted a heavy boot. [i]Snap![/i] Ahkrin howled in pain as several bones in his right leg crunched under the weight of the boot. There was nothing else at that point in time; no marine pointing a gun at him, no cramped hallway, no blood pouring down his face. Just sheer agony. When the world returned, reluctantly, Ahkrin was pressed up against the hull of the ship and treated to the harsh, heavy breathing of the marine as he was glared at in the face. Unwillingly, Ahkrin could not help but glimpse at his leg, which was gnarled and twisted like a burnt tree. "But I remember that you're the enemy. And if you live today, tomorrow more of us will be killed by you," the marine continued, swiftly dealing Ahkrin a solid blow in the stomach with a gauntleted hand, as if he was not content with the level of pain the Sangheili was already at. "Help!" Ahkrin shouted down the hallway over the marine's shoulder, hoping that the female captain who had left him in this insane marine's murderous hands a few minutes ago would be able to hear him, or that anyone would. The only response he received was a heavy-handed blow to the mouth by the human. "No one can hear you. It's just me, you, and the cushy little airlock to the left of us." "Airlock? And there was me hoping it was a storage cupboard," Ahkrin answered sarcastically through the pain and fuchsia blood. [i]Keep him talking Ahkrin, and get him angry,[/i] Ahkrin thought to himself, absently wondering why he kept thinking in third person. Angry people made mistakes. "Shut it!" the marine bellowed, bringing out his weapon and levelling it at Ahkrin's left kneecap. He hesitated for only a moment before firing. The process of the gun leaving the chamber seemed slow to Ahkrin. He could feel the bullet sweep the air around it away, and heard the metal round pierce the flesh of his knee before smashing into bone, before-- Nothing. The pain was so intense and sudden that his mind simply could not handle it. Ahkrin heard the bone crunch, saw the bullet fly through to the other side, and smelt the blood as it gushed out, plastering the wall behind. But he felt none of it. Ahkrin, urged on by some deep, primal instinct that must have kept his ancestors moving through the brutal winters of Sangheilios and helped them triumph over the savage beasts that had once been native to the land. The world around him seemed to slow down as he took a step forward impossibly on his broken leg, before bringing up his arms and driving them into the chest of the mortified human with the force of a Sharquoi, sending the marine's fragile form flying against the wall. The man who had tried to kill Ahkrin stared at him for a few seconds, eyes bulging on a head attached to his twisted neck. His mouth opened as if he were trying to utter some final, bitter curse, but all that came from his throat was a torrent of dark blood. And then he died. The animal rage and adrenaline which had surged through Ahkrin's broken body left along with the human's life, and Ahkrin's world exploded in pain. He cried out in raw agony, falling onto the corpse of the dead marine. The last thing he saw before lulling into unconsciousness was the hollow eyes of the man, still burning with a fervent hatred even after death.

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  • darn the icy cold water flakes

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] vI RaGeZ Iv Wolver's taking longer than usual on this one.[/quote] He's been playing in the snow.

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  • Wolver's taking longer than usual on this one.

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  • Love this story. Wolverfrog, again you pull off all the stops and make this amazing.

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  • Oops, double post. [Edited on 11.17.2010 3:46 AM PST]

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  • Jesus, what the hell happened here? Anyway, ignoring recent events: Yes, I think you should write your new Fanfic. Not only am I sure it will be entertaining, but as someone (Mr Evil?) stated earlier, if you get bored, blockish (yay, new word!) or stuck on a story you can always go and write your other one. Go for it. However, I don't think you should sink back into three simultaneous stories.

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  • 1. Good point 2. well I wanted a 100% new thing. I always get to egar and look at previews. I blame my self for that but still. 3. -_- you get banned for confusion and De railing. wtf. I dont really want more readers. I just want to express my Ideas. I come up with a lot of them at school and I dont ever get to express them. Sadly none of my Ideas fit into my 2 story's here or the one on the fable 3 forums. 4.Stop making fun of Ktan Dantaktee. yes he has done something that could be compared to a donkeys behind but he has apologized. So stop making fun of him. Its more off topic then what I post. And Ktan Dantaktee. Dont ever post on another one of my threads with one of your fake accounts. That could get it banned. Ive got it at 265 yes votes and I dont want it crashing down before bungie sees it. I really want it to be made. 5. WF I think you sould post on the Fable forums. Trust me your a lot more free in those fanfics and its easier to stick to cannon. While this isn't the hard thing your looking for some times an easy thing is what you need to relax your head.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Axe11154 1 you've sorta been up tight lately dude. chill out. Your making some people a little mad. (mainly me) 2You just ruined the surprise for me. 3. I guess presents arn't WF thing so I will take mine down early tomorrow. seeing as most dont like it. [/quote] 1. You've been making a lot of off topic and spammy posts in these threads, which could be construed as bumping. Wolvers has been banned and his threads locked before because of bumping. 2. There was no surprise in there at all, just the description of mysterious character and a very, very vague background of the story. 3. We have nothing against you writing your own fan fiction, but it will be confusing and a little de-railing, which can be bannable. Making a new thread will get you more readers, and stop this thread from being locked. OT: I am hoping that Wolvers and I can discuss today, maybe get it up in around 12 hours, if not the first chapter then maybe just a prologue.

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  • That comment is quite off topic. And it was a JOKE. Stop flaming me or this thread will get locked, and NO ONE wants that.

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  • Wolvers, I understand why you'd have problem with writing a new chapter more frequently. I've done so much growing up in the past six months since I first started writing fan fiction, and I feel jaded now. Real life has become quite the elephant in the metaphorical room, and time for douching around in word has become quite hard to come by, mostly because when I finish all my assignments I want to play Halo. You take as much time as you want with this story. We'll still be waiting. As for you, Ktan: pathetic. I fought tooth and nail for all of my readers. So did Skulblaka, Nocbl2, Wovlverfrog, (at first, before he became the John Lenon of fan fiction)and everyone else who's had fan fiction on that top forum topics list, working up from obscurity to achieve greatness. You came and suddenly: "Hot topic!" I'm sorry, but if you would stoop so low as to make another account just to post slander without catching flak for it, I cannot read your story. If you make an alt account, at least do not lie about your opinions on a story and then use the thread as an advertisement for it. I know how you feel: "No one's posting, no one is reading." It doesn't mean that you should give up or use dirty tricks; it should mean you work harder. I'm very disappointed in you.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] steadman Here's a teaser: [quote]"I've done this before," I replied coolly, strapping my seatbelt in. The woman up front chuckled, and poked her head around the seat to face me, allowing me to get a closer look at her. She seemed to be in her early fifties, although in this day and age it was possible she was probably closer to eighty. Tinted sunglasses masked her eyes, even though it was pitch black outside. She wore a tight fitting black garment and was staring at me with a look so intense that it could probably burn a hole straight through the hull of a UNSC frigate.[/quote][/quote] Wow just reading that makes me salivate in anticipation.

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  • FFFUUUUUUUUUUUUU-- Steadman... [i]*Gives evil glare.*[/i] Sounds awesome, I look forwards to reading it. * [quote]1 you've sorta been up tight lately dude. chill out. Your making some people a little mad. (mainly me) 2You just ruined the surprise for me. 3. I guess presents arn't WF thing so I will take mine down early tomorrow. seeing as most dont like it.[/quote] 1) He's not being uptight. You just don't know where the EDIT button is. 2) That preview gave nothing important away away. 3) Indeed. [Edited on 11.16.2010 3:01 PM PST]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] steadman [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Axe11154 sht[/quote] Unnecessary post, relatively spammy. Please stop it. Anyway, I have just Steadited (suck it, Alex) the first chapter of Wolvers' new story, and I can say without a doubt that it is going to be very good. Once we are both online at the same point, we will discuss a few things I noticed in the early draft and will then post it. The story will be set in a relatively untouched time in the Haloverse and from an unusual character's perspective; in first person too. Here's a teaser: [quote]"I've done this before," I replied coolly, strapping my seatbelt in. The woman up front chuckled, and poked her head around the seat to face me, allowing me to get a closer look at her. She seemed to be in her early fifties, although in this day and age it was possible she was probably closer to eighty. Tinted sunglasses masked her eyes, even though it was pitch black outside. She wore a tight fitting black garment and was staring at me with a look so intense that it could probably burn a hole straight through the hull of a UNSC frigate.[/quote][/quote] 1 you've sorta been up tight lately dude. chill out. Your making some people a little mad. (mainly me) 2You just ruined the surprise for me. 3. I guess presents arn't WF thing so I will take mine down early tomorrow. seeing as most dont like it.

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