My favorite part...
*Deej in*
Deej: how we doing in here?
Deej: hmmmmm.
*Deej out*
I laughed too. So many fanboys in that chat..... if I was valley I'd trash talk their hero too just to get a rise out of em all.
I don't really care about streamers myself. Was just kinda curious what all the rage in the forums was about. Got a pretty good laugh out of it.
Same I'd stream if twitch in would let me. Made multi accounts and always get an error just as I attempt to broadcast. But I honestly don't watch streams, not destiny streams anyway. Just funny how the following crowds of these people will basically go to war over nothing. That all being said. The little bit I know about broman and gol is that they are in fact bad at execution. World first aside, that's just get mechanics. Those guys are old WoW players, raids and mechanics are their thing. But speed running, knocking multi runs out in only a few hours compared to a couple, doing things while a man down ect... they don't have the bearing to make those executions consistent.