You know what's one of the worst feeling you get as a gamer? Being unappreciated, when you put in countless hours into this game, where you played since day one through the glitches and the weapon patches. I have don't about everything in this game. All exotics (not counting Taken King) all raids and today I finished the new heroic raid Kings Fall after hours and hours of battle my team revives gear and weapons as I receive a 311 Sniper at Oryx, keep in mind we all did the raid on Tuesday and all did heroic raid and they got gear and I did not. This needs to stop Bungie! This makes me feel angry and disappointed that I put in effort spend money and time and get screwed over and over again. I put up with it like all the other players but this crossed the line.
Grab a box of tissues and join the club of 100,000's, it's RNG if you can't deal with it by now then you are just a glutton for punishment wallowing in self pity.
Bro...hard mode has only been out for a few days. Did we all get the word of crota straight away or the fang of ur yut or crux of, it took time and once we get it, we appreciate it much more.
Entitled noobs... They are everywhere