Sunbreakers have an awesome super but weak neutral game.
No range melee.
Decent grenades
Stormcallers have a good super. Awesome neutral game
Farthest range melee.
Arc bolt great grenades.
Night stalkers have a skill shot but good super. Arguably the best neutral game.
Keen scout shadestep
Invis on command disorient dot.
Pros and cons. It's just not many people know how to use shadestep. But it's almost op to me. It will be in trials I guarantee.
You can get out of situations with shadestep no other class can.
Also a crucible match is majority played in he neutral game.
And if you shut down a sol once it greatly cripples a sunbreakers chances because that's the bread and butter. Because their neutral game is the weakest in comparison.
Try and keep an open mind to this which hardly gets any attention.
Im tired of swinging at air