The Shadowhunter Corps (formerly Wolf Recon) is now looking for new members for our clan, After deciding to dust off the old clan structure, I decided maybe it's time I get back to Destiny with a bang. What better way than to form a clan of like-minded folks?
I'm looking to keep our numbers small, but in the lack of quantity I'm hoping I can snag some quality Guardians. Experienced, new, I don't really care, I just want you to be open, have a good sense of humour, and most of all helpful. Presently the clan consists of myself, my girlfriend, and a few other clanmates of mine coming back, join us! I must warn you now, I swear a lot...I mean A LOT. I have a dark sense of humour and I have an unwavering love for beer. At 22 I don't know if there's any better kind of love.
Shifting gears, if you've made it this far and think you'd be a good fit, lets chat! Reply to this thread, shoot me a message here, on XBox Live (Gamertag: OnyxWolf93) or just invite me to a party and we can talk. I've made the mistake of keeping the doors of previous clans wide open as an Admin, it won't happen while I'm Leader. I want to make this a clan that enjoys playing all kinds of games together, not just Destiny. If you think you're the kind of person that can shoot the sh*t with me, I want you. NOW.
Join the corps.