If that's all you think hunters have that's good then you're being stupid and don't know how to properly use a hunter
I'm insanely better than you at pvp, and probably pve. the only other contenders are shadestep and keen scout
Lol big talk for ya and if you go off my k/d you're in for a surprise considering I've never deleted a character since day 1 so it reflects back to the beginning when everyone just started
same here bruv tell me what perks on hunter are better than sunbreaker besides the 3 I mentioned
Kool dude and here are some: Fleeted feet, encore, crouching invisiblity, gunslinger's trance, overpenetration with GG, ranged meele, hungering blade, backstab x2 dmg, escape artist, blink, triple jump, and pretty much almost all hunter perks revolve around neutral gaming where as the HoS only a few don't revolve around the super. Funniest thing to do as a sunbreaker is to wait for a HoS to active then active yours and suncharger him to a OHK so much fun
okay so 1 Golden gun doesn't one shot if they have high armor 2 the only perk I forgot about was backstabbing/blink strike 3 Titan jump is so much better than hunter jump (watch AEGabriel) 4 incendiary grenade got a buff and is pretty good and fusion is so much better than the hunters flux
How is fusion any different from flux?
does more damage (helpful on supers) and is far stickier