Are you ready to beat HARD MODE with us? Join in as we complete hard mode with [b]followers[/b]!!!
Follow on twitter for updated stream times and cool info
Join our selective but extremely rewarding[b] CLAN [/b](Must have positive PvP K/D and raid experience as a minimum)
Be there guardian, be the legend.
HARD RAID Need 1 Player Ogre CP 308+light Must know fight. PSN: Champagne_Woe
Edited by dongerlord: 10/23/2015 11:53:48 PM306 hunter hosting fresh HARD raid for my second charecter Be 302+ Add Epic_Slap_Shot
Need one for fresh hard mode 300+ Must have mic Add Rory_Flan
[quote]Are you ready to beat HARD MODE with us? Join in as we complete hard mode with [b]followers[/b]!!! Follow on twitter for updated stream times and cool info Join our selective but extremely rewarding clan (Must have positive PvP K/D and raid experience as a minimum) Be there guardian, be the legend.[/quote] Need one for war priest hard add thomas9086
Psn Josh_Xrs. LF 2 for a fresh run 305+ add or msg me for inv
one more :) AD BEYOND-_TwoSouls
Hard fresh, need 1 307+ Titan
Warlock light level 309 Have good setup and weapons looking for fresh run on hard only +18 only please Add psn stuartwilde123
Need 4 Fresh hard Add jcarts-23 Know what to do 305+
Need one more for PS4 at sisters Add enishistrife7
Need 2 more for warpriest cp must be 305 light or more add abdulx69
307 hunter looking to start fresh hard mode raid Need 3 Add and join C_MoneyG123
Need 1 for HARD MODE Oryx. Please be 308 or higher with a good sniper. Touch of malice preferred.
Need one 310 at oryx. Know what to do.
We need 305+ players with good firepower for a fresh hard mode King's Fall. PSN: CerebralPhysicx
305 Titan looking for a new hard raid. Add my psn
[b]Looking for 3 guardians with 308^+ light with touch of malice for Oryx cp psn:whitet98 [/b]
Need 305+ Titan with weapons of light for war priest cp. add and join
Need 2 more. 300+ for fresh hard mode starting at the war priest CP.
Warlock 303 looking for kings fall hard mode have spindle and malice Psn Linkavige
Need 5 for fresh hard message larsonma
310 warlock looking for oryx cp.
Edited by TTVItsRioBambino: 10/23/2015 10:03:56 PMNeed 1. Add me for fresh run...
Need 4 for war priest add me rawthentic2010