Are you ready to beat HARD MODE with us? Join in as we complete hard mode with [b]followers[/b]!!!
Follow on twitter for updated stream times and cool info
Join our selective but extremely rewarding[b] CLAN [/b](Must have positive PvP K/D and raid experience as a minimum)
Be there guardian, be the legend.
Need 3 for oryx checkpoint add name up top. Must be 310+ and must know what do to
Add Bumble-Bee-9- hard oryx
Need 2 for hard warpriest add HatefulGT be experience and be 305 plus
Daughters CP on Hard 310+ with Mic PSN: uziknuzi
Need 4 that's 307+ for daughters cp hard mode add me greatwarrior4
Need 4 that's 307+ for daughters cp hard mode add me greatwarrior4
Experienced raid player looking to join a fresh or warpriest cp. done this many times hard mode only. Add Cobra9848
Warpriest Checkpoint hard: Light lvl 305+ need to know what to do. PSN:iBlaze02
Need 4 that's 307 for daughters cp hard mode add me greatwarrior4
Need Titans for golgoroth hard already have 3 307 must be 305+
Needing a team to help me through hard oryx I'm 309 warlock but no self Rez and I have malice and good damage guns I've done the raid tons but not oryx on hard add Dr_Unicornus thanks
If u have beaten hard oryx add me greatwarrior4 I need a decent team want it done
Need 5 For hard mode warpriest cp musst Have good sniper rifle experiance and be 305 Light plus Dont Die -blam!-ing alot Add me seymurman
Need 1 for oryx cp need to be 310 or higher light and have mic add bradmp
At sisters checkpoint 305 warlock plenty of experience lookin for a GREAT raid team with good communication i want to one and done it no bs if your teams about that add me psn clmjmd
Normal kings fall raid exp people only Requirements -mic Add :XxTEAMxENJOIxX
Looking for orax on hard light 307 psn shadowangel1976
Need 2 for sisters
Looking for group with totems cp on HARD I'm an experienced defender Titan
Need 3 for sisters must be over 306 light add XxSMILE-U-DIEDxX ps4
Need 4 for hard raid sisters
306 hunter with 312 black spindle Looking to do HARD Ogre check point I have check point Add - Epic_Slap_Shot
Looking for a group who looking for a hard totems checkpoint I am a 306 Titan
[quote]Are you ready to beat HARD MODE with us? Join in as we complete hard mode with [b]followers[/b]!!! Follow on twitter for updated stream times and cool info Join our selective but extremely rewarding clan (Must have positive PvP K/D and raid experience as a minimum) Be there guardian, be the legend.[/quote] Need 5 for Oryx hard must have Touch of Malice, know what you're doing and 310+ add MrApple127.
307 Titan at hard warpriest checkpoint. Psn mokmuud
Need 2 for Daughters Hardmode must be 305+ light add BallisticDonkay