Are you ready to beat HARD MODE with us? Join in as we complete hard mode with [b]followers[/b]!!!
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Join our selective but extremely rewarding[b] CLAN [/b](Must have positive PvP K/D and raid experience as a minimum)
Be there guardian, be the legend.
316 Titan lfg totem cp hm Psn:amjr118 I do not have the cp
316 Titan lfg fresh run or totem cp hm(preferably) Psn:amjr118 I do not have the totem cp
315 Warlock looking to JOIN a team at HARD Oryx or Fresh. Jack of all trades for any role! Can do "No Knights" but prefer normal way, significantly. PSN: Axios-Lux
316 Titan lfg fresh run or totem cp hm(preferably) Psn:amjr118 I do not have the totem cp
316 Titan lfg fresh run or totem cp (preferably) Psn:amjr118 I do not have the totem cp
308 hunter looking for fresh run on hard I've done it before add kevinking55
Need 5 for HM Oryx CP Be 311+ Have ToM Have HM Emblem Want this to be quick Add Sammysweetcheeks
Need 1 for warpriest
Need 3 fresh hard mode. Add yoshuakw. I'm 313 titan.
Lfg fresh hard run Be 310+ Make it quick Am 314 warlock Add bullsusf203
Need 2 for warpriest
Looking for fresh or from totem hard run. 313 hunter or Titan. Have completed and have ToM and 320 black spindle PSN: Vikz88
313 Warlock looking for Oryx HARD team.(can run relic.) add ragnarok0115.
Need 5 hard mode fresh. Add yoshuakw. I'm 313 titan.
308hunter looking for fresh run, I've done it before just not on my hunter add kevinking55
316 Titan lfg fresh run or totem cp(preferably) hm Psn:amjr118 I do not have the cp
Add cheeky_dinks 310+ warlock looking for totems!
Need 4 experienced preferred 305+ Fresh Run ADD BRAC-SLAC
316 Titan lfg fresh run or totem cp(preferably) hm Psn:amjr118 I do not have the cp
Need 1 for oryx cp hard mode know what ur doing we are all 313+
316 Titan lfg oryx cp hm Psn:amjr118
Totem Hard Checkpoint. Need 4, must be 310+ and beaten multiple times. Plus good connection! Add Dahrakaye !
313 Hunter can be runner LF Oryx Hard Message darthode
Need more for oryx hard CP. Add Foehammer0069. Looking for 310+ Titans to do no knight strategy.
Golgoroth hard check point Need 2 310+ only southernfire82
Golgoroth hard check point Need 2 310+ only southernfire82