Brother, I suck at PVP, barely play it anymore, and trials I play with my friends when they ask me to as a third and after awhile my old butt gets warmed up and I don't do half bad. For what it took to get ToM I have to disagree with you. Will it be hard to beat, possibly, but if guys want to use it and they want to weaken themselves to do it with the last round I say go ahead, my new spare change will be glad to finish up (RIP HP). I don't think a nerf is the way to go at all.
I don't think a nerd is the way to go either. Or a nerf. Sorry, had to lmao.
Ha ha yeah caught it after ;p
Its alright. When I post from my phone it wants to make "nerf" "newb". Ahaha.
Ha ha :p