Yes. (Or maybe it's because I still don't get enough reliable kills with it) even with tracking I've only really gotten kills because my opponent try to run up on me with shotguns (lol). At the end of the day do I think the sunbreaker class is I op. Hell yes that's why we used it you can't tell me blade dancer was fun just because you could blink and go invisible. So I'm gonna try and enjoy it till its inevitable nerf.
And yes there's nothing funnier than popping a bubble on an objective and start dancing because you're wearing helm of St-14 because your opponent doesn't want to approach you
I've pretty much been a golden gun only, blade dancer doesn't drop enough orbs for the team. The shadow shot is a little annoying to me.
I only ever use arc blade for the nightfall in there is arc burn or I need to hide behind something and suck my thumb to my health regeneration kicks in. And shadowshot seems like it actively conspires against me sometimes