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originally posted in: THE IRON BAR...
Edited by PBGellie: 10/22/2015 7:08:03 PM
There wasn't "supposed" to be anything. There were planned things that ended up getting cut. How do you know the European dead zone was supposed to be a playable area and not just a pvp setting? You don't, because nothing's led us to believe that. And please stop brining up e3. It's pre alpha. Stuff gets cut. Wow, right? You're so misled dude. It's unreal how ignorant you are to how this stuff works. Look into every game ever made and you'll find cut content.

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  • And yet, why are so many people infuriated with Bungie and their handling of Destiny, if this happens with every game? Want to know how we know? BECAUSE PEOPLE WHO WORKED ON IT SAID SO, INCLUDING PEOPLE WHO ARE STILL WORKING ON IT. They specifically noted what was meant to be in the game, that ended up cut, and is now trickling out as DLC. What company complete guts it's story to the point of non-existence, and then starts putting out elements of it for a price? They're effectively selling off what was planned for the base game, instead of just adding it back in. So you end up with nothing in the base game, and then what was supposed to be in it is now being sold. Understand that, yet? What more evidence do you need? Like talking to a brick wall. Just accept that Bungie -blam!-ed up monumentally, misled people, and continues to try and cover up what actually happened, all the while pushing overpriced, reused content on us. If you can't accept information from the horse's mouth, then there's nothing else to say. You're clearly in denial about who or what Bungie is, and think they're some fantastic, upstanding company. You believe there is nothing wrong with the game, or how it's managed. Pull your head out of Bungie's ass and swallow the truth instead of their shit for once.

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  • "Anonymous members" Yeah. Unnamed members of bungie. How gullible are you? And yes, they said pre alpha content was cut. You'll see that with every game.

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  • So apparently, insider information is only viable if the source is named, thereby risking the source to reprisals (in this case being fired or sued). Jesus, lol. Yeah, games can cut content. No game cuts its entire story, only to sell on later. Seems to be the point you continually ignore. Doesn't matter if it was not included in the base game, it was part of the base story. It was planned for the base game. So instead of reinstating it back into the main game, they sold it on as DLC. I suggest you stop ignoring that. DLC is supposed to be content additional to the base game. Destiny doesn't have a base story anymore, because they cut it up, and are now selling it piece by piece. Get that in your head.

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