A is for MONEY
B is for MONEY
C is for MONEY
D is for MONEY
E is for MONEY
F is for MONEY
G is for MONEY
H is for MONEY
I is for MONEY
J is for MONEY
K is for MONEY
L is for MONEY
M is for YEP! You guessed it...MONEY!
N is for MONEY
O is for MONEY
P is for MONEY
Q is for MONEY
R is for MONEY
S is for MONEY
T is for MONEY
U is for MONEY
V is for MONEY
W is for MONEY
X is for MONEY
Y is for MONEY
Z is for -blam!- YOU! WE GOT YOUR MONEY!
Naw, man, you have it wrong. T is for Throw money at your screen
Omg this so original. You changed my life.
Think about how long it took him to write this...
A is for money (highlight control+c) B control+v C control+v And so on...
Its about that mother -blam!-ing money!
****Insert slow clap emote here****