Are you a female gamer who gets pestered, bothered, harassed, threatened, insulted or all of the above?
There are lots of great guy gamers out there to play with but we all know there are some real jerks out there as well.
Reply/bump/like if you're a female gamer or a guy gamer who is cool with female gamers.
Female gamers are here, and here to stay. :) <3
I have to laugh at this once when the girl revealed she was a girl on the game one of the guys started asking for her to set up a web cam and chat with him of cuase we all knew that he would probably show her over the webcam and what he would ask for they should not be asked , they should not harassed they should be teated as equals yet I 've herd of a girl film her self climaxing while paying in vs mode on a fire team for a web show which was pretty crazy.