Thank you!You hit the nail right on the head here.
It's not that we hate boys,this just isn't the place for them.Allowing boys into the clan at this point would make some of the girls feel cheated.It'd be a bait and switch recruitment tactic.
They know what this clan is and they joined it because they agreed with the rules.It'd be unfair to all of our clan members to go changing them in such a drastic way.
[spoiler]Not that we've ever seriously considered changing our requirements.If we did,we wouldn't be [i]Sisterhood[/i] of Guardians anymore.[/spoiler]
No problem. I love what your clan stands for so I'm glad I got it right. I probably shouldn't be answering for you gals though. I might be wrong next time. :P [spoiler]You would totally keep the name! It would be like joining The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants! Except instead of jeans it would be the group that fits perfectly. :P[/spoiler]