What I don't understand is how you want anime dances in destiny.
Edited by XxBakaxKawaiixX: 10/21/2015 11:39:40 PMAmericans aren't the only people who play destiny you know, maybe other nations are left out of the joke about the hammer dance and thr carlton because they've never seen them, but maybe they need their own dance they could relate to, such as those three above for japanese people, inconsiderate people, so all haters out there saying to gtfo, your just selfish and think America is perfect which it isnt but its not the worst either hahaha
Never said America is perfect but this game was made in America therefore the emotes are kept simple, do you seriously think bungie would even consider anime emotes?? Lol
you want family guy emotes? is that it ? well if people don't want this do you think they want family guy emotes. 911 people want anime dances in destiny bty
They made the carlton and the hammer dance, so why not these?
Because anime isn't popular among the destiny community and you can argue all you want and try to make valid points but it's never gonna happen, sorry.