Are you a female gamer who gets pestered, bothered, harassed, threatened, insulted or all of the above?
There are lots of great guy gamers out there to play with but we all know there are some real jerks out there as well.
Reply/bump/like if you're a female gamer or a guy gamer who is cool with female gamers.
Female gamers are here, and here to stay. :) <3
In my experience girl gamers get treated better. All the ones I've played with have a shit ton of drooling desperate men following them around. Not that my experiences could represent the entire populace, just throwing my two cents in. However, i do like gaming with girls. Most of the time (not always), i find that guys rage quit waaaaaaaay more than girls. And guys are usually a lot more, shall i say, dicks? I've kicked more guys from my Raid teams for taking down to a lower level or younger kid more times than i can count. Never once had to do that to a girl.