Are you a female gamer who gets pestered, bothered, harassed, threatened, insulted or all of the above?
There are lots of great guy gamers out there to play with but we all know there are some real jerks out there as well.
Reply/bump/like if you're a female gamer or a guy gamer who is cool with female gamers.
Female gamers are here, and here to stay. :) <3
I was just having a similar conversation on another post. I just don't understand male fascination with female players. If you come across another male gamer you don't ask him "what are you wearing?" "Are you single?" "How big are your boobs?"..... Well you wouldn't ask a guy his boob size but whatever. So why must I have to hear all these juvenile and childish comments? I just want to play. That's it. Is that really too much to ask for?