So I've got two buddies I play Destiny with, we tried our hand at Crota's End this last week and now we want to try Vault of Glass, since up til now none of us had raided at all. Is it even possible to do Vault of Glass with three people? I've seen some things about a Sunsinger killing itself then reviving after Atheon teleports people, but is it possible to do it without that strategy? Or will we need to find a few more people?
Any advice is appreciated, thanks!
Edit: Sounds like it's time to start using my Warlock more often!
You've done one major thing wrong - learning about the Vog. You and your friends should have gone in blindfolded. Single best gaming experience ever, even if it did take 16 hours across 3 days
Me and my friends did it. I was a defender Titan, one of friends was a sun singer warlock, and the other one was a gunslinger hunter.
Be ballers Use self Rez at art job Rest is easy af
There is a way to solo it without sunsinger, same goes with 3 manning it without sunsinger. If one of your fireteammembers jump high enough in the room you could get out of range for atheon to teleport you. (you should check a youtube vid for better info i think)
We use to 3 man it. It was sometimes better for us to do it with 3 people than with 6 as sometimes dome of the people you get will make something take twice as long.
Yes, I have beaten it with 3 people multiple times. Way more fun than with a full team
You can solo all of crotas end. VOG there is gorgons maze that cannot be completed with any less than 3. Atheon needs 2 minimum. The rest can be solo'd as well
At Atheon you can glitch around the rocks on the sides of the map so Atheon doesn't teleport you nor shoots at you. You don't get times vengeance, but you can solo it. Dragons Breath actually is better for it since it does more DPS than Gjally on a stationary target.
Outlook not so good
Edited by WaveMerchant889: 10/21/2015 9:37:32 PMYou need at least 4 for the Atheon fight unless you have a sunsinger doing the self res strategy
The video of the 2 man flawless VOG was tremendous. I wouldn't recommend it though, lol. Timing and strategy have to be on point.
ya u can only 1-2 ppl it with a self rez
Edited by YoYo: 10/21/2015 7:19:35 PMIt's been 2 manned
It is definitely possible, since I did this with two buddies several months ago. It does require a Sunsinger at Atheon so that one person doesn't get deported. If you've never run VoG before, it will definitely be tricky though since you don't know the raid mechanics.
Hope this helps! Other videos on the playlist. It's actually pretty simple. Just need a reviving warlock to wipe and res.
Atheon requires 2 or 3 people atleast. Just need a Self Revive Sunsinger, have them die at 2 seconds and self revive on the outside and open the portal. You also need a lot of DPS from all 3 people when shooting Atheon.
You need at least four of you don't want to use the sunsinger method.
Edited by FISHERKING: 10/21/2015 8:51:06 PMYes. Got to gatekeepers with 3 from the beginning yesterday. Third man had to leave, so we just filled the fireteam from lfg. It's was ridiculously easy though, so I think the whole thing can be 3 manned. You will need a sunsinger with self res for atheon, though.
Your not experienced enough. A good player can solo 99% at level 170
It can be done solo, but you have to be a sunsinger
You can only do it with a sunsinger. It can be done with 3 people since TheLegendHimself did it with 2
I'm confused. Why in the hell would gorgon's labyrinth require 3 people? Back in the day, it was common practice to have everyone leave, then re-join at jumping puzzle or throne room. I've gone solo through gorgon's labyrinth [b]many[/b] times....
Tfue soloed everything except the impossible parts, gorgons and gatekeepers
sc Slayerage 2 manned it
Yes, you just got to be fast to gate keepers and have a sunsinger jump off before the teleportation cycle and selfres to open the gates at atheon
Very possible, my team and I were doing the no time to explain atheon step and we 3 manned till atheon himself. It's very easy.