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Edited by antorico2: 10/21/2015 7:19:13 PM

"Lost to Light" Secret ending needs some tweaking

After the update that fixed the bug that made the black spindle drop and be able to buy from the kiosk at 310 attack, the mission came back. So a 294, 295 (me) and a 287 decided to attempt it After 5 tries, we took a rest from the spam of the taken on that last fight agaisnt the taken boss Look, I understand its an exotic mission so it can't be simple or easy, but my problem its the fact THAT THE TAKEN DO NOT STOP SHOOTING AT YOU AND KEEP DUPLICATING First, you have 10 minute sot beat it. This is no problem The last part, you need to 5-6 minutes or you won't have enough time. The Taken keep spawning and duplicating and spamming their special mobves of shit that blinds you for 10 seconds. We tried killign the taken blights, but the blights keep re-appearing and spawning more enemies. And even thoguht he enemy are 240 darkness level, they kill you like if they were 300 darkness level. Its stupid. That and the fact that if you DIE, you need to wait 8-10 seconds to be revived and then 5 seconds to respawn. oo if the entire fireteam dies, you lose 30 seconds for everyone to respawn and THEN travel back to the boss area Here are some fo my tweaks (for the boss part) When the boss is kill, 30 seconds are added to the timer. If all the taken blights are destroyed, you have 20 seconds until more blights or enemy respawn or duplicate A 10 second timer for enemies to duplicate. OR The boss has less health, but timer/ammount of enemies is lower/higher The boss has more health, but ammount of enemies are lower and more time. Just my thoughts. We came back with the new exotic swords and it is still ridiculous the amount of enemies and the sapm for the Taken

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  • I've duo'd this as titan and as a hunter. The trick is to have one person (me) on hammer titan circling the room tossing hammers. The hunter tethers the boss and snipes from the doorway. That is it. I made it easier for myself using exotic sword but honestly a regular sword would be fine imo. I did not touch the boss once and we finished with a minute or so to spare. We were higher lvl than you but then there was only 2 of us......

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  • Sounds like you need a gear check or look up some strategies. It's really not that hard.

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    • Not to make you feel bad but this mission is easy, I almost solo'd it first try the first time it was available with no idea what I was doing. Now I do it for fun. If your on xbox add me and I'll help next time it's available.

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      • 1) Titan bubble on boss platform with armor/blessing of light. 2) Kill boss first 3) Kill blights, then adds (repeat until room clear) My group had 3 Raze Lighters and we absolutely annihilated the boss and adds....finished with 2 minutes to spare. Got the ship too!

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        • Or what my team did is we had two people hitting the boss and one person killing troops

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          • Use raze lighter. You will win.

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          • If you are being overwhelmed by ADDs then you are using one of the loosing strategies. Think definition of madness (as attributed to Einstein but, actually not a quote from him at all) "Doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different outcome". In your case it's trying to kill the boss and ignoring blights and adds 5 times in a row. The winning strategy, the same for pretty much everyone, though they will say things in a different order is this kills the blights. These are spawning adds. Kill the adds. This will give you a clear 20-30 seconds to DPS the boss. Repeat the process when new blights appear. Towards the end of the boss he will start to spawn captains. Use supers or swords on them and continue to destroy the blights and adds then DPS the boss. He will die with anywhere from 1 - 2 minutes left on the clock (depending on if you are using scouts or heavy weapons). Finish off the 5 - 6 adds left when he finally dies. Collect your black spindle fron his cold dead corpse.

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            • ..... 1 guy dps boss 2 guys kill blights then adds then dps boss (2 add guys should roll swords) just rinse and repeat add guys need to kill blights then adds then dps boss till blights respawn

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            • 1
              or you can just get good

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            • There's a finite number of blights/adds. If you had kept killing them they would eventually have run out and then the final boss is fairly straightforward. I didn't do it the first time either - better luck on your next try.

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              • Edited by SnareDrummer1102: 10/22/2015 1:24:49 PM
                The way i did it multiple times with my team was one person left door and focus on adds. One on right focusing on adds also. If they have eyes on blight, destroy it as well. And the 3rd dedicated to boss dps. When you clear your adds, support dps before the next wave spawns. When boss dies, there wont be to many adds left. Have done it like this in 3-4 minutes.

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              • Mission was easy for a phalanx of my caliber.

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              • I'm sorry are adds not supposed to shot you? I believe the darkness wants to kill you not roll over

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              • I agree... it IS difficult an adjustment is needed... make less adds...

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                • Plenty of people have beaten it. No need to tweak anything. Leave it alone.

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                  • Didn't read all of your lost just going to post my suggested strategy to go along with the others. With this strategy I've taken 3 groups of people through. 1. Kill blights, this should be your top priority in every room. 2. Next, kill majors (but don't go ham if minions are in your way) 3. Kill the little guys. 4. Focus the -Blam!- out of that boss. While in the boss room make sure you are near the entrance while focusing the boss, so you can regroup when the next wave of blights hit. When you have those pesky blights in the back of that room, don't be afraid to die for it (as long as you are 100% sure you can kill the blight) This room was made to overwhelm you, focusing the boss and letting those psions multiply freely is exactly what you [u]shouldn't[/u] be doing. Also all the majors that spawn just hinder your ability to hit the boss (fire, blinding and pushing)

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                  • This is probably not the right time to talk you my fireteam finished it with over two minutes to spare, is it? I can only offer this advice: Kill order in the final room: - Blight - Boss - High level, overshielded enemies - Adds Also, use the guns you are efficient with, don't select based on overall light ONLY. Everyone says "use sleeper stimulant! It wrecks!" Not always. We were wiped twice; I switched to Raid scout, Invective, Raid Machinegun, and we wrecked it, as I focussed sustained DPS on the boss and shielded targets. The guys with the stimulant would one shot the blight. My changes made all the difference; I stopped dying, and the sustained DPS allowed us to quickly kill off the big threats, then move in with swords to finish off all the adds. With over 2:00 to spare. I can't stress enough that you should [b][i]always[/i][/b] play gear that you excel with, which is not always your "best" gear.

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                    • The best way we found to do it was two people with strong weapons killing adds and one sniper focusing on the boss. Snipers, shotguns, and swords all wreck the knights, centurians, and Captains that spawn. Try that and see how it goes

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                    • I realise this might be late, but the enemies don't spawn infinitely, not even close. There are 4 waves of enemies in total, each with respective blights that need to be killed. First is Phalanx and Psion, then Knight and Psion, then Centurion and Psion, then Captain and Psion. After captains have spawned and everything is dead, nothing else will ever spawn until the boss is dead. There are plenty of strats, such as quick burning the boss with swords (Raze Lighter ftw) but the easiest and most surefire is to just kill the adds as they spawn. I've completed it something like 14 times now trying to get the ship (No luck, I'm happy to carry anybody on Ps4 next time it comes around) and the number of times we've wiped doing that is very small.

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                      • Go in and kill all the adds first. Then everyone at the same time unleash heavies etc on him. After a volley, blights etc will spawn. Kill them and some adds, then focus boss. Kill any blights as soon as they come up and damage boss. At 25% go HAM on boss. Trick is always keeping the blights down. Exotic arc sword is great for boss damage.

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                      • Your the kind of kid that would make your mom finish your homework if it was too hard. Why would you want something handed to you? There would be no sense of accomplishment.

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                        • Sleeper wrecks boss super fast

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                        • It doesn't need any tweaking, either you can complete it or you can't. It's hard, but not that hard.

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                        • They stop coming once the boss is down and the blights are killed. I completed it twice last week to help people. Yes it is hard but not impossible nor does it need fixed. It's just right of difficulty. It's for a damn exotic

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                        • I hate to make you feel bad .... but it was soloed

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                          3 Replies
                          • Edited by VrischikaAscend: 10/21/2015 11:10:30 PM
                            They had to have been high af when they came up with this stupid ass mission. I gave up on it, I'm perfectly fine with my hereafter.

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