[quote]Help me celebrate my birthday!
Edit 1: those who wish to be apart ask for a job
SubjectBosco: Confetti chief
Caboose: Fireworks
Spøøky lopez: Chef
Butthurt: bouncer
IAMZLATAN: Picture Maker
Glancem: Grand master golden ninja lord
Spoopypool: [i]"special entertainment"[/i]
SpookyDankPengu: Dank memes
Skoriks: That shady guy over there
WombyRocks: DJ
x HoM3cHik3n x: DJ #2
Sp00ky memes: invitations
Edit 2: I will post special missions for those worthy of doing them
Edit 3: [u]I will leave a comment for those who would like to make [b]Sargeism[/b] a religion[/u]
100 replies: Wow
200 replies: dirty blues
300 replies: some one shoot grif
400 replies: everyone gets a ride in the warthog
500 replies: you just got sarge'd
600 replies: that's kick ass
700 replies: I've got a boner for murder
800 replies: SHOTGUN
900 replies: today's a good day for you to die
1000 replies: Calling dr sarge. Prescription? Shotgun
1250 replies: I am running out of quotes...HALP
1500 replies: [b][u][i]THE RAID IS NOW IN PLANNING [/i][/u][/b][/quote]
It seems the thread has died.
Yeah after the whole raid #Destiny planning post got taken down because some fücking idiots (the haters) reporting it. Start it back up? Or just let this die out?
We'll let it die at. 2000
What is at now?
[quote]What is at now?[/quote] Idk