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originally posted in: Stop. Timegating. Exotics.
10/21/2015 8:22:19 AM
All these guys defending timegating.... I don't see any timegating on other games... I bought batman and the entire game was there for me to play... ALL OF IT. Nobody complained that they were out of content because they played through it too fast. The Witcher, Batman, Mass Effect, Halo, Gears of War, Final Fantasy, Skyrim, Fallout... all of these games release with full content and no time gate. And there are people playing it for months and even years without any new content. I paid for this game. The Taken King Expansion was the same costs as Fallout 4. I don't want nor do I appreciate bungie telling me that the only way for me to get The Black Spindle is to play it on the day its a daily without notifying me of when this is going to occur. I cant check everyday and then get a team ready when the day comes: i have a life and so do my friends. Sometimes we cant play at all. Now if bungie did it like Trials or Iron Banner and gave us the date in advance: sure, I can schedule it. But "SURPRISE! DO IT NOW OR ITS GONE!" is only for people who don't work, don't study or are obsessed with the game. And apparently because there was a match yesterday my team was watching it instead of playing and it looks like there was some special quest? whats this about visiting FWC and heading to the vault I am hearing? Gee, thanks a lot bungie. I really like knowing that i missed on something because im not playing 24/7

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