[i]For fark sakes.[/i]
Who thought this was a good idea? Was it the same guy that sat in on a meeting and thought "lawl, now wait a week" was a great idea for a quest step? Was he drunk? Are you sure? Did you check? You should probably go check. He could be passed out with his hand stuck in the vending machine and require emergency assistance.
Seriously though, its irritating and a real slap in the face after the amount of effort people put into finding and completing these exotics quests. Its like getting grounded for a week after coming home with a straight A report card.
( No really though, go check the vending machines just to be safe ).
[i]For fark sakes 2.0[/i]
I'm not sure why people are talking about RNGesus or vanilla Destiny. This isn't a binary problem with only two solutions. Exotic quest lines aren't going to vanish because the requirement to sit on your ass for a week or wait for a certain quest on a certain day were removed. I'm not not sure why people think being drip fed existing content makes the game better or more "fair" or whatever.
It would be a different story if we were talking about new content being created and added on a semi regular basis. But I'm referring to existing content we already knew about weeks in advance. Which was not available at release and/or which Bungie allowed us to run around trying to find without telling us it was impossible. Bungie does have the ability to keep things out of the database away from our prying eyes as well as the ability to not hype something a month before release without mentioning the little problem that it wouldn't be available at release.
[b]Let me bullet point this:[/b]
1. Showing players things they can't have without telling them they can't have it = BAD.
2. Forcing players to wait and watch for a specific day / time window ( people have lives you know ) to obtain something or miss out = BAD.
3. Forcing players to wait for a week or two at random in the middle of a quest line for no reason whatsoever = BAD.
At no point did I suggest we should all go back to chasing the White Whale, er, Gally as the ideal exotic solution. ( and you guys do remember there were exotic quests before TTK, right? )
The ideal exotic solution would be for exotics to be a balanced mixture of engrams, quest lines and challenges ( such as Black Spindle. ) without the pointlessly arbitrary stop gaps of forced waiting periods or limited time windows. Those serve no purpose at all to the players. They may serve a purpose to Bungie or Activision ( Stretching limited available content, trying to finish content that they should have had ready at release, etc ) but that is not in [b]our[/b] interest. That's in [b]their [/b]interest.
The game should be in the player's interest. We're the ones who play it, support it and paid for it.
( Really though, did you check the vending machines yet? I'm getting worried. )
Damn year 2 players, you'll never know the pain of waiting for months for rng to bless you
I don't mind. It keeps me coming back and it makes sure I don't get burned out. I do have a problem with them openly showing all those exotic armor pieces in armory and not explaining why they are not dropping. I'm done with 3 of coins until I start to see them drop. Tired of getting repeat chest pieces and gauntlets.
Edited by WTFisTrue: 10/21/2015 3:45:56 PMI actually like it. I find it cool that a new weapon or armor could drop at any time. I got all the RNG exotics really quickly thanks to Draksis and ToCs. Edit: In fact, thanks to today's Armsday, I have all available Exotic weapons(or will. Have to do the last step for Bolt-Caster later with some friends).
stop bitching and moaning like an entitled fool. Just because you want everything now does not mean you should get it. get a grip. please.
Honestly if they didnt do this content trickle, most of the hardcore players would have absolutely everything in a few days and be crying that there is no content.
So far nothing is time gated except for some armor. No Time To Explain, Sleeper, and the Spindle all needed things to line up perfectly, and they finally did. So if it all happened on the first day you'd be saying it should've happened later so we could've gotten it
I don't mind, I like the surprise. But I hope they do this to fewer guns in the future. Anyway... How's the First Curse? PvP and PvE statistics pls.
Edited by Taskforcem85: 10/21/2015 2:49:08 PMHas one character at 290. Thinks he can complain about content.
Try raiding for 8 months and never get the weapon you wanted. A 7 day waiting period if fine by me
I'm Enjoying the time gating. Feels like there is always something new around the corner.
Someone with 1 raid completion complaining about timegates. ffs Go play the other 90% of the content you haven't touched instead.
Every mmo I have ever played has used time gates. Just enjoy the game and stop crying
I like it, though I understand not everyone does. It, to me, makes some items just a little bit rare.
I can't play every day, so I miss out every time
Go play a different game for the rest of the week and then come back to Destiny. Destiny shouldn't be your only game.
It's their way of artificially lengthening the quest line. It could be worse: Maintain a 2.0 KD in 10 crucible matches while finishing the game on top, kill one player of each class with a single use of a super three times, Bend over and throw money at the screen...
I don't mind it, after the first couple of weeks my quest log was pretty empty having quests pop up now and again is great. And waiting till armsday? Really? Are you 12 and have tantrums if you don't get it now now now?
Who cares? It's not like I've run out of fun things to do in the meantime.
Whaaa!! I can't get all exotics in the first few weeks Whaaa!!!
VENDING MACHINES KILL!!!!!! (2 people a year)
I like it for guns like spindle and ntte but it was a dick move with sleeper
The first curse handcannon questline has you "wait for next arsmday" twice.... Twice
I have a response to this. You gotta wait until next armsday to hear it.
More whiny bullshit