I keep seeing all this blue armour that I would honestly rather wear over my raid armour. Like the seraph for the warlock or all the wolves armor for the hunter. They just look better imo. Right now the glass needles seem pretty useless, doing this would give them an actual purpose. From what I've read no one likes the rolls they've got using the needles and others don't care enough to buy them. This would also allow for more unique looking gaurdians instead of everyone wearing raid armour or the same two designs of legendary armour that are out now. Im not saying to remove the current purpose of glass needles but to just give them another reason for being used. What do you guys think?
Yeah, they waste a lot of great looking designs on rare gear plus the finite amount of legendary gear leads to a lot of look-a-likes throughout the game. For example the warlock chest pieces available through the vendors are beyond ugly so everyone is starting to sport the Chasm of Yuul. However I don't believe morphing rare items into legendary's would be the best solution to avoid this. I would like to have a base armor underneath my guardians "clothes" that would have a talent tree similar to our supers, but have the unlocking path be different. Instead of XP unlocking perks have them unlocked through specific activities or quests. There would also be exotic perks, but you could only use one at a time. I am well aware this idea could complicate the light level and would certainly make exotic, or rather all, gear irrelevant for anything other than aesthetics. Which, to me, would be amazing.