I'd like to see the unwashed masses try to convince me.
Can you hide in a cardboard box in Destiny? No.
Can you attach balloons to anything and everything in Destiny? No.
Can you sic a dog wielding a knife on enemies in Destiny? No.
In what way could Destiny possibly be better than Metal Gear?
Destiny has poor storytelling but at least it's Better than "this woman can't wear a shirt but she can wear other clothes because if her skin isn't in contact with air then she'll DIE" (Why not just wear a breathable fabric then? And why wear leggings?)
Metal Gear IS better than Destiny, but it's just not my game. I haven't even been playing Destiny recently too.
Quiet>the queen Raids done then metal gear. You can build your own guns ffs
Two words Space Magic
I love metal gear
the fact that u need to come onto a destiny forum and post this ridiculous post should give u your answer
no. I don't want to do that. Think for yourself
It's not better, just different
hmm you know metal gear is a really good series but its mainly a 3rd person over the shoulder game style whereas destiny is a first person without a clear cut story with actual continuity.
Such a lust for bumps...
Apples and Oranges.
Not the same game, asking me to compare apples to carrots.
It's not, and it's not anywhere close to Destiny at the same time. Thread is pointless spam.
Not the same genre, don't know exactly how you would compare the two.
Destiny is not the game to surpass Metal Gear.
Story wise mg is 10x better. Mg has no pvp so i love it but once im done im done.
We can't, it's comparing apples to kumquats Metal gear is continually difficult Destiny is difficult the first time you do a new raid
OP hasn't played Destiny. Argument invalid. Git gud m8, as the kids say these days.
Unjust comparison. Completely different games.
Metal gear is awesome but why even compare it to Destiny? HELLLOOOOOO diffrent game.
Sorry but that's an opinion so I have called the tumblr and 4chan police, they're on their way
Can u do the Carlton in metal gear? No Nuff said git gud scrub
Metal gear is a good game with a better story than Destiny
Titans: https://youtu.be/zE5KXlg4iUY
You sir have just requested the impossible