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1/9/2015 8:05:54 AM


[b]FIX THE PROBLEMS PLAYERS WANT YOU TO FIX!!![/b] Seriously Bungie - why is it impossible for you to fix the simple and much requested fixes and features your huge gaming base and customers want? Fix the Cheesing elements you were too incompetent to find before releasing them, after you've actually listened to your clients (that's us). I think all can agree - NO ONE - I mean ABSOLUTELY no one on the forums complains to you guys asking, no begging for the Crota Cheese, the Templar Cheese, the Aetheon Cheese to be fixed! No one Bungie!!! They constantly post about extra Vault space, matchmaking, a trading system, making obsolete gear they ground countless hours for, useful again! I don't understand how you think you're doing us a favour by filling holes you left in your game the first time around. Don't get me, or the hundreds of thousands of players wrong, that are all saying the same as me - we LOVE Destiny - and sure as hell, fix the cheeses, but only when you've actually addressed our wants and desires. Bungie you're just ignoring us and floating around on your self entitled, ego trip, patronising clouds! People cheat in life - it's not right or fair but it happens. I wonder how many top level business men or politicians have cheated to get where they are hell, even COs or directors in your lofty company - do you think removing the cheat sheet would have fixed the endemic problem of cheating? Or would making the test a little easier stop people from doing it? Perhaps making the spoils for doing it properly actually mean something? The reason people cheese bosses is because you can spend hours getting through the raid to end up with NOTHING!!! Then you have to wait a whole week to try your luck again at nothing!!! It's ridiculous! A broken game mechanic. So cheese a boss quickly and you find out quickly if you have something useful or if it's yet again nothing - okay nothing in this scenario is unfair, let's say materials or a shader. But when compared to a heavy weapon or raid gear it's nothing. You have a different clientele that all play the same game - which we all PAID the same price for. When time is a commodity it's unfair to ask soo much from your players - not everyone can play every single hour of every single day. So when we do come on for a few hours, fixing that "cheese" is not what a lot of people want to hear. It's you Bungie that [i]think[/i] we want it fixed, or perhaps your pride is dented to such an extent, because after only a few weeks, or even hours we found all of the wholes in your much prided brickwork. Bungie you are simply not addressing a single concern, wish, desire, that are all being screamed at you - you are fixing things that you think matter and ignoring our constant stream of requests. So here it is, yet again - fix these before you fix the cheese: 1) added vault space 2) access the vault from your ship whilst waiting 3) add a matchmaking option for Raids/Nightfalls etc 4) bump raid gear and weapons from VOG up, or implement the same system to upgrade it to the next level, via glimmer, materials, etc 5) give Xùr the option to sell some legendary stuff for strange coins or motes of light (we can only equip one exotic) and would love the ability to buy some legendary stuff 6) make the loot chests fairer, at the very least at the end boss 7) increase the number of players for all PVE - I see many players online in my worlds, but I can only ever have two other friends with me. I have about 100 PSN friends, but for 85 percent of the time I can only play with two of them 8) make Vanguard, Crucible marks transferable between characters - its a currency just like anything glimmer and strange coins and like your shiny new vanguard commendations! 9) give us the ability to sell unwanted materials - I have 500 spin metal - please!! 10) allow us to transfer/exchange unwanted materials - there are vendors in the tower, make use of them. There you go - 10 commonly requested improvements, that have been asked for since the game was released. Let those that want to cheese, cheese for now - let them save time a legitimate way, as you missed the loopholes we as a community found. Implement the changes that us players really want, and then, only then go about fixing those holes and repairing your egos. I'll sound off now, no doubt to the sound of rapturous silence, but I'll repeat what nearly every single player write when composing this type of reply or post - Bungie, we complain and rant because we love your game, but you are killing it and us by not really listening or implementing any of the suggestions we are yearning for. [b]Fix the Cheese, when you've answered our Pleas![/b] On that note I bid you adieu!

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