Warlock 296 light need help at sisters checkpoint and inexperienced
Send me a party invite. We have been sending you one. You need to join the party chat
Well my mic has broke and all I need help with was the deathsinger bit and that was it I knew what I was doing at the deathsinger bit so can u just help me please
Do you have a mic
No it's broke at the moment sorry but can I still do the raid
Send me one
Let's start it then
Are we doing the deathsinger or are we doing oryx
Your gt is the same as your name
Okay hold on
Sent you invites
Haven't got any
Join us. I sent you an invite
I didn't get one
I didn't get one are u sure u spelt the name out right it's all in caps
Tomy cobra do you have a good sniper?
Yeah I've got the sniper that xur was selling and I've infused it aswell
Need one for oryx checkpoint
Invite me