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Edited by mightymasTer1: 10/19/2015 9:36:59 PM

I get grounded for a month cuz i tried playing destiny at 3 am

Was it worth it, no...., will i do it again, probably; the reason it was for a month was cuz i did it another time which was the day the taken king came out, so it sucked when she barged in my room and immediately grounded me for a month but knowing she was mad, i knew she would make it 2 weeks. So idk what I was thinking still but i played again the day after & the day after that which pissed off my mom to the point where she gave me 3 days with grounding, i accepted that. After about a week i start setting my alarm at 2:30 am & 3:00 am to wake me up and play before I go to school, I cant play during the weekdays so this was my only way to play unless I wanted to wait until Friday each anyways, up until now i haven't been caught. Funny thing that happened was that I woke up at 3 again (today) & as I was turning on my console & starting a mission, I had to take a piss so i sneak out of the room like a ninja (cuz im so good at that, *cough* *cough*; no i ain't) then i start hearing movement coming from my parents' room. I finish taking a piss and so i stand by my room & i realize i can hear the hum of the console from the room & i immediately thought (*dam, this is so easy to hear, ima have to move my console next time, i dont feel like moving it cuz then I'd have to turn the console on and wait for destiny to load*) so I went in my room & locked it, turned on the tv (cuz i turned it off when I went to take a piss) and then the knocks of doom and the screams of grounding came to my door and as I turned the console off & pretended to act as I've been sleeping, i opened the door & wham she just said, "ur grounded for a month, i heard it", immediately thought (*i shouldve fkin listened to my gut feeling about moving the console*) now if u read this whole story congratulate you, now the whole reason i posted this was ask the destiny community, do u think it was worth it? I'm a senior with decent grades, I was brought up playing video games starting with the Nintendo 64, my mom knows i love to play video games, yet whenever I want to play she's always restricting me to an hour (normally i ignore the fact that she just gave me an hour & play till she says no more; since I consider it inhuman, sometimes I get lucky with 2-3 hours. & this is on weekends only) cuz as I said previously i cant ever play on the weekdays. I heard of all ppl playing for longer & for each day, do u think i should leave the house & become like squidward & ask for "spare change" & move out of the house. Nah jk thats a "full retard"ed idea just like never going full titan, maybe I should kill my parents & play destiny to my hearts content until police find out like i heard on the news one time. One things for sure, if my mom restricts me after i graduate, I swear to god im movin my ass to another city & renting an apartment. P.S. I commend u if u read this whole shit of a story, so ima ask it again, Do u think it was worth it? What should i do when trials comes out....Should I continue abiding by my moms rule of balancing thing when i go to school for 7 hours, do work for more than half that time, get home, do hw for another 3 hours, eat, sleep, then repeat for 4 days, then on Friday-Sunday play about 1-3 hours each day. Edit: i made paragraphs, r u English teachers happy? Edit: I DIDN'T KNOW I WAS IN ENGLISH CLASS AGAIN, LET ME CLARIFY, I'LL TRY HARDER TO WRITE LIKE A PROPER PERSON SHOULD WHEN I'M TYPING A STORY Edit: to answer some of the same questions, I had gotten the console as a present from my aunt but it recently broke and so my mother bought it again for a cheap price, so it's not like i can just take it away Edit: almost 500 posts, i gotta admit, these types of topics gets more attention than topics about the game....

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  • Edited by D4Gamerz: 10/19/2015 9:29:25 AM
    Didn't read anything you wrote but if you're a boy/girl under 16 without to much muscle mass (i̶t̶s̶ ̶a̶ ̶b̶i̶t̶c̶h̶ ̶w̶h̶e̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶y̶ ̶s̶t̶r̶u̶g̶g̶l̶e̶ ) you can move into my place I have an endless amount of video games and as much candy as your heart desires.

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    3 Replies
    • Life sucks, get a helmet.

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    • Right now, I'm playing a few games of Clash before I go to school. Lol

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    • Let me fùck your mom

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      1 Reply
      • Wow... My butt hurts just reading this. Kid it's time to grow some balls

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        • I've been there as well and let me tell you that it's not worth it. I'm not going go on about why or how but you've gotta cut that out man because your mom will always find out.

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        • Life sucks, get a helmet.

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        • Dude you're a senior and still get grounded for a month at a time? My parents tried that when i was a freshman. By the time I was a senior i was rolling up joints and smoking them in their house infront of them. All in how you show that grounding doesn't affect you once they know it's not working they'll try something else. Once they do that enough they'll stop caring and boom freedom

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          • First world problems

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          • This post was mad long. So I instead read the comments. A senior getting grounded? Can't help but laugh at you boy lol.

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          • Im a senior and I have the same problem. Mum doesnt want to play at all and only gives me 2 days to play. The only way I could play is wait for her to go out of the house and turn off when I hear a door getting opened. Do not force yourself to wake up to play at night. If your mom/dad is not at home , play all day. In fact trials is at Friday so theres no reason to play on Sunday or Monday. Your mum is taking good care of you and I support her, some people are left with no care at all and they do drugs and shit *I know a friend..*. So if you ever had time to play just enjoy your day and dont worry about anything else.

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          • This story made me laugh . When I started reading this I though you were 12 or under . Your 18 well hot damn, under her roof it's her rules . I mean your grounded for playing video games at 3 am not sneaking out to go get -blam!-ed up or hook with a chick ( which would be the best reason to get grounded ) . But wow . Maybe because you have decent grades and she's wants great grades . Video games are your distraction ? Do you go out with your friends ? Is your social life actually social or social media ? Was it worth it ( my opinion ) nope .....

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          • I'll tell you this...while this game is fun video games are in reality a sad thing to get into...look into any players stats and you'll see the actual amount of time they put into this virtual's literally days that they sat in front of a box that projects lights in a certain patern....I'm not saying I don't have days under my belt but damn kid the schedule your parents have you on is the best way to make something of your is about work...period...everything you do you work for maybe that's why they want to limit the amount of time you spend literally wasting your life away....think about it this game ain't gonna mean shit to anyone in a few years but you dedicated entire DAYS of your life to it

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            4 Replies
            • Senior? Getting grounded? Wtf?

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              • I got grounded for having a D in my reading class. BUT it was because I forgot to turn in my big writing test which was like 40% of my grade so yay

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              • How old are you?

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                • Good good.... let the hate flow through you boy....

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                • Edited by Reptile_7_: 10/19/2015 11:19:01 AM
                  My son is a sophomore. I play and got him hooked on it actually. He is allowed to play on weekdays after hw and chores. Usually gets a couple hours in a day. He is in the marching band and honors classes. He has a pretty full schedule with daily practices and games along with other band trips a couple times a month. As long as he keeps up with his grades A's and B's I have no issues with gaming. He has an 11pm lights out bed time during the week and he respects that (usually stops earlier). On weekends when he isn't at a band function he has weekend chores and the rest of his time is free to game. On Fri and Sat night he has a 2 am lights out. He enjoys playing Destiny and other games and as long as he is respectful and follows my loose rules I let him enjoy. He has been grounded a couple times for bending the rules or not doing chores but not for a month. Usually a weekend is enough to squash any rule breaking. As a senior I am sure they are trying to make sure you have some structure and don't get stuck in a non-productive lifestyle. I would suggest following the rules and ask for adjustments a little at a time. Show that you will respect the limits and prove that you can be given more leeway. Once you graduate, college or work will demand your time as well so better to work on discipline now. It can only help. Good Luck

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                  4 Replies
                  • Im not the only one who does this!? I was up till 12:30 last knight killing oryx! Im just praying my mom doesnt confront me. I havnt seen her yet today

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                  • Edited by Ranger: 10/19/2015 12:21:17 PM
                    It gets better I promise. Mom came into their office after me pulling an all-nighter when Diablo II was popular. It was also during the Summer though. As for you English majors and Head Buckeroos of the gammer rodeo, give the kid a break, It's not like he's writing in shrt hnd like the rest of the people in this forum... Forum lingo is my least fav, WTF, "g8 b8 m8... TL DR STP twl," the -blam!-... Pick your battles people and practice what you -blam!-ing preach!

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                  • TLDR/don't care about you being grounded

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                    • Listen to your damn parents you little turd

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                      11 Replies
                      • I know the feeling RIP my crota hard mode attempt.

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                        • Edited by Famdian: 10/19/2015 10:12:08 AM
                          Sounds like your mom is doing a good job. You came here wrote a story without trashing your mom kudos for that. Kids are getting pregnant at 13 doing drugs and all kinds of crazy things. It's kinda nice to hear about a teenager doing some normal rebelling ad not trashing the parents when they get caught. If this is the extent of your rebelling it shows your parents are doing something right.

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                          • get a guitar and practice... by the time you arrive in puberty you will be utterly grateful to have the skills to sing and string your way into most womens underwear..

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                            5 Replies
                            • You're a senior, and shit like "grounding" is still a thing for you? Seriously? You need to move the -blam!- out now.

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