Coming from the guy who- you know what, no. I'll meet your level. Do you even grammar?
Wow your, you're omg I'm rektd wow my name is cloudless9 .. And I can't grasp the context of sarcasm .
I mean... Just... I'm telling you that it is honestly a challenge to even mildly annoy me. And you, sir, are accomplishing that. Well done. You have a knack for appearing like an immature bitch. Ever thought about a career as a protester?
Leave me alone dude . Don't you have friends or something . Before I buy a ps4 just to block your ass.
Not really at this time of night. Maybe one or two are still online with strange work schedules like my own.
Yeah bro I'm muting you and buying a ps4 just to block you brb .
K. Off you go