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Edited by danwright: 12/19/2014 3:24:55 AM

Expansion II

The game players expected, and the game we received have not matched up. Going through the forums and watching ViDoc this becomes clear to everyone who sees them, however Bungie/Activision have neglected to give the loyal player community what we deserve for staying with such a disappointing game with hopes of improvement and grinding day in day out. As the newest expansion hasn't exactly changed much of the disappointment, it is necessary for Bungie/Activision to put the greed, and competing visions aside, and answer our demands to save this game, returning it to what we expected it to be. Fixes: Story -cohesive story filling the gaps that were cut from the original intentions/script -Raids should have cinematic cut scenes before and after explaining the significance of the raid to the overall story and how defeating the final boss will effect the environment we play in -Factions should have their own story missions through bounties you pick up specifically from them in the tower with their own cinematic cut scenes to explain their faction's purpose and origin Player/Player -4 player fireteam -Player to player trading/currency for weapons, armor, material -ships are pointless, we should see the ships fly over head when a player joins our fireteam in patrol or missions and see our fireteam's ships lined up docked at the tower Player/Environment -more planets- at least Xur's planet and race possibly playable and more explanation to his purpose -specific class or race based areas that only that class/race can enter, Ex: awoken race can explore more areas of the reef or a tower type place in the reef (the queen's palace?), humans can explore the city under the traveler, etc.. -new race and subclass release -Fallen as a playable race- out of all the darkness races the fallen would be the most likely to switch sides. The Queen of the awoken has her own Fallen and since the next expansion is titled after a house of the fallen it would make sense to allow us to play as them, also if I'm not mistaken killing a fallen Kell allows you to take control of their house which could justify the adoption of a their race as a playable one. -Ghost shells? Never got one -changing seasons? Weather changes or something -new exotic bounties because they are getting old or addition of new ones -every month should be a new set of weapons/gear offered at vanguard and crucible -fix cryptarch packages, still gives rare when it is a LEGENDARY package -editing of the hair and markings

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