[quote]Help me celebrate my birthday!
Edit 1: those who wish to be apart ask for a job
SubjectBosco: Confetti chief
Caboose: Fireworks
Spøøky lopez: Chef
Butthurt: bouncer
IAMZLATAN: Picture Maker
Glancem: Grand master golden ninja lord
Spoopypool: [i]"special entertainment"[/i]
SpookyDankPengu: Dank memes
Skoriks: That shady guy over there
WombyRocks: DJ
x HoM3cHik3n x: DJ #2
Sp00ky memes: invitations
Edit 2: I will post special missions for those worthy of doing them
Edit 3: [u]I will leave a comment for those who would like to make [b]Sargeism[/b] a religion[/u]
100 replies: Wow
200 replies: dirty blues
300 replies: some one shoot grif
400 replies: everyone gets a ride in the warthog
500 replies: you just got sarge'd
600 replies: that's kick ass
700 replies: I've got a boner for murder
800 replies: SHOTGUN
900 replies: today's a good day for you to die
1000 replies: Calling dr sarge. Prescription? Shotgun
1250 replies: I am running out of quotes...HALP[/quote]
We hit 1500, nice.
Oh hell yeah
[quote]Oh hell yeah[/quote] *pats on back*
We shall all get cookies!
[quote]We shall all get cookies![/quote] AND SHOTGUNS
That too!
Caboose, there are cookies in your left hand. Again.
I meant for everyone