Join In Progress (JIP) in Iron Banner is infuriating. People quit games when they start to lose ... which means the almost without fail, if you get joined into a game in progress you are going to be hopelessly behind. Add that to the fact that the opposing team has map setups, multiple zones controlled AND more often than not their supers and heavy ammunition, and you have a hopeless cause. In a few miraculous cases I have joined games and pulled them back to a close contest or to a victory, but it happens incredibly rarely.
If you're playing Iron Banner by yourself, more than half of your games are JIP. Today I got mercy ruled BEFORE MY SHIP EVEN LEFT THE LOADING SCREEN. Your odds of getting a full game are slightly better if you play with a fireteam of 2, and much better with 3+.
Here's what I suggest: penalize people heavily for quitting (how about LOSING Iron Banner XP?), keep Medallions of Iron, and get rid of JIP. The mercy rule, with some tuning, already helps to end the games where one team is outnumbered and that would prevent situations where players would have to play out entire games 1- or 2v6. Personally I would much rather lose a game to the mercy rule then get joined into a match I have no hope of winning. It's a waste of time.
*** OK guys, I changed the forum title ... just for all of you who didn't know what in the Traveler's name I was talking about. Sorry about that : ) Teaches me to define my terms ... ***
Collect your medallions and win a match later. Lots of experience.