I spent a lot of time and coins on the three of coins. In total I think I got like 30. I used them all and I only got 3 exotics. Every time I used one, I would make sure that I waited at least 15 to 20 minutes. I got a gauntlet engram. I was excited to turn that one in because I was 307 and I knew the item would be 310. When I turned it in I got a fvcking 290 exotic. Could someone explain to me why I got a 290 exotic if I'm 307? By the way, I should mention that I got it from that super knight on the dreadnaught. So if that effected the exotic to be 290 instead 310.
Some weekends i average pretty good drops this weekend i think i went like 1 out 25, its just RNG tho.
I'm not 300 so they don't drop at 310 but I've gotten 15 different Titan exotics out of 70 3oC and about 18 in total. It works for me. Mostly weapons too.
one thing i suggest it dont use them every strike or every 15 mins like people say. Its better to use one then maybe two strikes without it and then use one again.
Edited by Dnns84: 10/19/2015 12:38:44 AMThere is only a chance engrams decrypt into 310 gear. I have 3 characters at 300+ and Id say only 30-40% of my exotic engrams turn into 310 stuff.
Which knight?
Are a waste of what? Coins? What else are you gunna buy with them lol. Do you not remember year 1? When exotics were actually rare to get and legendarys were not common in every mission.
Its a 50/50 chance on turn in, im pretty lucky and most of mine are 310
Yeah they haven't been worth the strange coins to me. I spent 35 SC on them on Friday, burned them all off over the weekend and got 2 drops, both of which I already had.
it's random...
Edited by OurWildebeest: 10/18/2015 10:38:52 PMI have used 32 3oc in the last 24 hours and received 4 exotics, 2 290 and 2 310. I wouldn't say I love the drop rate, but that is still less than 10 strange coins per exotic, less than 20 per 310 exotic. I am mainly using them to infuse stuff, so I don't care which exotic I get, only which equipment slot it is in.
nah, you right though. Doing strikes like a boss, heroics, and Taken pubs, and 30 coins down, 3 exotics. WTF bungie! And, it's ALL random. I got a few 290's too, which is B.S!!
Edited by chemsoldier83: 10/18/2015 10:46:23 PMIm more annoyed with not being able to buy exotic shards any more. If i knew that would be taken away i would have stocked up.
For some reason your just better off doing strikes it just works
Used 6 coins today. [b][u]6.[/u][/b] All back to back to back to back to back to back. 30 second s in between them. Used them on the Fanatic of Crota. 4 EXOTIC engrams.
I did 72 strikes, got no engrams. 309 total strikes, 22 Obsidian minds, 7 Hawkmoons.
They give you a chance at an exotic engram when otherwise there is no chance. Doesn't seem like a waste if you ask me....
Im 309 and I still get 290' quite often it only gives you a moderate chance to get 310'
Just use one per mission! I get probably around 20% success rate per single use. Also, good exotic drops are 290. Just infuse.
I kno i went 0/15 this week. Have only gotten 2 telestos to drop with em. Nightfall:got exotic titan helmet
Because you're not guaranteed a 310 exotic if you're over 300. So quit bitching
I've used a total of 15 and got three exotic drops, one of which gave me a 2 for 1, so I am pretty happy with my results so far.
Yep. And when an exotic does drop it's the same one you already had!
I got 3 brand new never before acquired exotics today after using 9 total. Worth it.
If you're above 300 then you have a chance for exotic engrams to decrypt at 310; it's not guaranteed.
Whoever told you all that you need to wait between using them is very wrong. I used 30 in a row and got 3 exotics. And thats a great rate so stop complaining. They are exotics... Supposed to be rare...
I've been reading a lot of things about drop rate when using coins, so today I kept track of mine. I ran 11 heroic strikes using 1 coin per strike. I got 4 legendary drops and 2 exotics. Both exotics dropped on the same strike.