I spent a lot of time and coins on the three of coins. In total I think I got like 30. I used them all and I only got 3 exotics. Every time I used one, I would make sure that I waited at least 15 to 20 minutes. I got a gauntlet engram. I was excited to turn that one in because I was 307 and I knew the item would be 310. When I turned it in I got a fvcking 290 exotic. Could someone explain to me why I got a 290 exotic if I'm 307? By the way, I should mention that I got it from that super knight on the dreadnaught. So if that effected the exotic to be 290 instead 310.
Nowhere did it ever say that if you are over 300 the engram is guaranteed to drop at 310. Learn to read. Second the 3 of coin give you a Better chance for an exotic to drop, your rng is just terrible. Quit being a cry baby.
Waste my ass... Learn how to use them scrub
Poor thing. I have had 9 engrams open at 310 and one at 290. RNG it's like the rewards are like random or something.
My last 6-8 exotic engrams have all been 290 and I am either a 308 or 309 when turning them in. May just vault them for a bit.
I have had a bit more luck with exotic drops BUT I have had 3 special weapon engrams drop in the last week and all three were "The 4th Horseman". First was good the other two just annoyed me, wanted Hereafter for at least one
That's 10% drop you crying shit head
I go into heroic strikes and make sure I have one before every boss and it works pretty well for me
Wasted the rest of my strange coins on them and got one 310
Left the CoO w around 18 blues, 4 purps, and 4 yellows after maybe an hour or an hour and a half there the other night. Dont pop them every 2 mins. Keep around 15 mins in between each consumption and keep poppin one for every ultra killed whether they drop or not
I get an Exotic Drop every 3 to 5 coins used... You may be doing it wrong... Also, 310 light on exotics is random drop. I get 290's a lot, and occasionally a 310 (that I infuse into other stuff)
I've gotten 310 Zhalo Supercell, 290 Jade Rabbit, 290 Fourth Horseman, 290 Sealed Ahamkara Grips, 290 Hawkmoon, etc. Not a waste to me.
Just because your light level is over 300 does not mean you will get 310 exotics. As long as your light level is 300 or better, you have the chance to get 310 exotics. ITS A CHANCE NOT GUARANTEE. All you get is the chance of exotic dropping at 310 but its not a huge percentile, I assume its around 10-30%. When Xur sold the exotic engrams I been over light level 300 and bought 5 engrams on each character. When I turned them at least 1 of the 5 were 310 so I assume it has a 20% chance (1/5).
The average drop is probably 1/10. Which is 10 strange coins, which is better than buying a 280 of whatever Xur is selling, and better than 19 sc that the engram costs.
Ohhhhh so 3oC is a waste because you haven't gotten decent drops from them. Seems legit!!
I got 3 exotic drops in around 20 coins. All 310s including thr 310 supercell. I was happy about that after having my other supercell at 302
Have a exotic every 5-8 use, about 70 % are 310, works for me
I used 40 coins and got 8 all from the knight on the dreadnought but when I hit 300 the 2 I had after that gave me 310
I played two heroics yesterday. First one, exotic. 310 hawkmoon. Next one, exotic. 310 telesto. I like the coins
I used a single 3oC yesterday during the bond brothers strike and was rewarded with 2 exotic engrams after the first bond brother was killed - got the telesto and hawkmoon Safe to say they work better than average for me, still use 1 3oC and drop 1 exotics each time I complete a strike
Got 4 engram out of 7 coins. Just need to space them out. I ha e more luck by using one and doing pvp for a couple rounds and then running a strike or something. Rinse and repeat
So you got 1 exotic for every 10 3oC you used? 10% chance sounds pretty decent to me. You could run all 3 raids on 3 characters and not get odds that good. At least with 3oC you can run whatever you want as long as there's an ultra involved instead of having to spend 3+ hours running one raid on 3 characters just to come up with jack shit.
The reason it didn't drop higher is that it's only a chance at 310 but your other characters aren't at 300 if all your characters are 300 or above it has an even higher chance at dropping 310. I know this because once I got all 3 to 300+ ever single exotic engram has been 310.
There is nothing wrong with 290 exotics. How old are you? You do understand this is just a video game right? 310 is a chance. It's random. We all know this. It's not something new.
Used 10 i gets 5 exotic so far.
Brought 60, used 10 and so far have received 310 SUROS, 310 Third Man and 310 Skullfort