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Lets start with the Hunter class
Subclass one: Gunslinger
While golden gun is active you gain no damage resistance and gain 3 shots that can one shot a player in PvP
Using the super grants no way to regenerate health
The super is effective at range
The time to kill is instant
Subclass two: Blade dancer
While Arc Blade is active you gain double armor and a timed super that has unlimited uses during that timer but using the super drains the timer
Kills with Arc Blade can regenerate health if using a specific perk
The super must be a close range
The time to kill is very small. (slight delay from the slash to take effect)
Subclass three: Night stalker
With shadow shot, it grants double armor while in the animation of shooting the arrow and is limited to either 1 or 3 shots
Shadow shot does not grant any way to regenerate health
The super has a range drop off
The time to kill only happens if you hit dead on with shadow shot, it still has a travel time. giving it a small time to kill
Next is the Warlocks
Subclass one: Void Walker
With Nova Bomb, it grants double armor while in the animation of throwing the Nova Bomb, you are only limited to one use
Nova bomb dose not grant a way to regenerate health
The super has a range drop off
The super has a small time to kill (Nova Bomb to hit target)
Subclass two: Sunsinger
While using Radiance you gain double armor, or more if using a specific perk. the use is completely timed, but can be extended
While in radiance, you regenerate abilities quicker.
The super itself has no offensive capabilities
Subclass three: Storm Caller
While using Storm Trance you gain double Armor and the use is timed, but can be extended
Storm trance does not grant health regeneration
The super is limited to medium range
the super has the longest time to kill of any super
And now for the Titans
Subclass one: Striker
While in the animation for Fist of Havoc you gain double armor and it can be increased. the super is a single use
The super dose not grant health regeneration
Limited to close range
Instant time to kill
Subclass two: Defender
Defender has no offensive capabilities and can only place one Ward of Dawn per super
While inside of the Ward of dawn you can either have double armor only while inside, 1.5 health inside and outside, or 1.5 damage inside and outside
Subclass three: Sunbreaker
While using hammer of Sol you gain more than Double armor and the super is based on a timer. Each hammer is a one shot
the super can regenerate Health after every kill with the hammer (With perk)
The range is far with a drop off
The super has a small time to kill (hammers to hit the target)
So tell me Sunbreakers, how is your super "balanced"
[spoiler]it's not Balanced[/spoiler]
Shadowstalkers to op in pvp, and i am a hunter!
Edited by Dreg Dealer: 2/21/2016 10:57:47 PMDid you say that the Sunsinger has no offensive capabilities? Their grenades recharge in no time and their melee is a one hit kill. Granted the super is not meant for offense but warlocks have an insane melee distance. I second a warlock because of self res and how it's OP
You forgot to Add that the health Regen for hungering blade extends to the BDs melee and combined with fast twitch is far more effective than the SBs regen which while it can be triggered by the melee and grenade has a much longer than the 1.5 second cooldown of blink strike. The HoS by the way is only a one shot when someone does not have an Overshield or Super Armor effect it then REQUIRES a DIRECT hit for a kill and since hammers are easily avoidable if you pay attention and are aware of your surroundings...
You do realize it's called "[b]SUNBREAKER[/b]" We're using the power of the sun. The sun is pretty strong so it makes sense. I rest my case.
The amount of Sunbreaker mains telling lies.
Its double armor same as arc blade storm trance and radiance
Not every hammer thrown is a guaranteed kill. I've wasted my entire super just trying to kill 1 person and vice versa. The trick is to jump around and avoid getting hit.
Have you Read what Transcendence does? It restores your health to full.
Edited by ELITHAMAIN: 10/18/2015 9:38:19 PMThis needs a massive bump
Sun singer can be used offensively
The sunbreaker uses a perk for the health, and every hammer thrown takes some time off. There saved you the edit.
I'm a warlock and technically if you use apotheosis veil you regenerate health on activation but that helm sucks so doesn't really count
I think a little bit of armour should be taken off because I got shot by a rocket and survived it
The void walker bit was wrong you can get Health regen with energy drain and life steal
Bump this up NOW!