Not sure if there is another post similar to this but I just want to get this out there. Hunter class is too UP in my opinion. My main reason for saying this is the extreme lack of defense when compared to the warlock or titan.
I really think Bungie could just up the Armor stats a bit more for the Hunter so that it's not such a gap from Titan or Warlock armor levels. In order to be the most effective Hunter in most cases, you have to put your armor at extreme lower levels just to be as offensively powerful as a Titan or Warlock with their setups balanced.
If anyone has suggestions on how I should be setting up either of my subclasses for my Hunter to allow for an equal amount of punch vs defense, I'd appreciate it greatly!
EDIT: I realize the one area the Hunter does shine is with the use of Arc Blade in PvP or Golden Gun in PvE but that is not enough to even the playing field between the Hunter and the other 2 classes.
EDIT 2: It seems people feel that Hunter is at least balanced with the other 2 classes and Bungie may have single handedly put the Hunter class in the worst position of all due to the OP effect of Arc Blade and how that can cause so many people to vote No on my poll just because Hunters piss people off in PvP. This game is not only PvP people and having Arc Blade alone does not balance the Hunter.
EDIT 3: Think about how useless the Hunters are with VoG unless they are in greater numbers. It's just sad that I can be told I should level up a Titan or Warlock to join a raid so I'm not a liability.
FINAL EDIT: I completely take back all of my feelings and thoughts suggesting that the Hunter is underpowered. I have tried the other classes since originally posting this and I have played a TON more with my hunter. I have to say now that I think Hunter is NOT underpowered at all. If anything, maybe it's a wee on the overpowered side - at least compared to my now lvl 30 Titan which I now feel is actually the underpowered one.
The class is fine, as a whole. Lacks the team-wiping powers of stormtrance and HoS, but has plenty of ways to make up for it. I found shadowshot to be underwhelming, but not underpowered. The exotic gear for hunters is pretty lame though. Sealed ahamkara grasps have had some useful applications, but on the whole, nothing has been particularly exciting in terms of y2 armour.