Hello Guardians,
If you are inexperienced, and want to do raid, feel free to msg me. We will be doing a raid at 3PM UTC and 6pm UTC. You don't have to have experience and you don't have to have 300+ light. The only requirements are:
- Be at least 285 light level.
- Be patient.
- Be a good listener.
- If you don't understand something simply ask.
- Be helpful to other in fire team,
- Don't panic when you or anybody else make mistake.
- Once you are experienced help other inexperienced guardians.
- Have a good sniper rifle, you can't reach bosses with shotguns.
- [b]UPDATE[/b]: Please send msg on xbox live, as too many people are posting their own raid ads here, so its difficult.
[b]UPDATE:[/b] We did one successful raid yesterday, although we planned to do 2 raids to accomodate all people. Specially people in US timezone. Those who have sent me msgs on xbox, kindly check ur inbox and respond back as soon as you can.
Note: If you are below light level 285, and need help, I can tell you what you should do to reach light level 285, so you can raid with us next time.
296 Light Titan Looking for raid invite Gt. Manny Cervantes
need 1 more need 1 more for fresh run; message for invite; GT barret88 for fresh run; message for invite; GT barret88
Seeking people to help me daughters cp. Ive never completed raid so patience would be appreciated. Msg: huskerz for invite
Edited by GatorSixCharlie: 10/19/2015 1:32:11 AM297 Titan, looking to do King's Fall, I am a mature adult, and I am a good listener. (Have not done this raid before) Have 300 Void Sniper and a 298 Black Spindle. Online now with plenty of time to Raid, thanks for reading, feel free to invite me if you are raiding. GT : GatorSixCharlie
need 1 more for fresh run; message for invite; GT barret88
looking for warpriest cp... 301 titan with good guns needing quest done... I have exp so invite if needed...
Need 1 for fresh start my gamertag is airmike90
Need one for daughters cp msg silentkillah888 for inv
Oryx CP. need 5 295+ and have beaten it before. Get same as above. Message in game for invite only.
295 hunter looking for group have not done the raid yet quick learner would like to do full raid have mic gt Same as above
Need one for ORXY CHECK POINT MUST BE 295+ light and MUST KNOW WHAT UR DOING MSG ME AT @LeastHarpy945
Fresh run need 4 Xbone gt same as above Message for invite Must know what to do 297+ light only Hurry. Quick run.
looking for team to help my alt out. Have touch of malice, black spindle, raid scout, raid auto, raid heavy machine, and 1000 yard stare. I am experienced have emblem to prove it. My alt is 293. Help is appreciated. GT CGPGaming
289 hunter looking for fresh run. Never done raids before. I'm a fairly strong player. GT: Ducky Killer Mic is broken
Need two for Oryx Light 295 Gamertag- Rae Sremmurd XboxOne
Edited by Manny Cervantes: 10/19/2015 12:06:15 AM296 Light Titan Looking for raid invite Gt. Manny Cervantes
Need one 1 300+ light person for warpriest ( need to know wut to do!) msg gt-Djgrooveteck
Need one for oryx checkpoint message mr Xport for invite
need one for fresh run 290+light please have mic message Havok x Trilogy for invite
Need one for oryx checkpoint message mr Xport for invite
Need one for totem GT same as above all are welcome
Looking for 2 for fresh oryx run. GT: NGroat89
Daughters cp light 296... Msg Silentkillah888 for invite
Need 2. Oryx cp. 300+ light must be experienced, message EligibleToast
Golgrath or however you spell it check point level 290 and up and have completed once msg me if interested.