Hello Guardians,
If you are inexperienced, and want to do raid, feel free to msg me. We will be doing a raid at 3PM UTC and 6pm UTC. You don't have to have experience and you don't have to have 300+ light. The only requirements are:
- Be at least 285 light level.
- Be patient.
- Be a good listener.
- If you don't understand something simply ask.
- Be helpful to other in fire team,
- Don't panic when you or anybody else make mistake.
- Once you are experienced help other inexperienced guardians.
- Have a good sniper rifle, you can't reach bosses with shotguns.
- [b]UPDATE[/b]: Please send msg on xbox live, as too many people are posting their own raid ads here, so its difficult.
[b]UPDATE:[/b] We did one successful raid yesterday, although we planned to do 2 raids to accomodate all people. Specially people in US timezone. Those who have sent me msgs on xbox, kindly check ur inbox and respond back as soon as you can.
Note: If you are below light level 285, and need help, I can tell you what you should do to reach light level 285, so you can raid with us next time.
looking for one......if interested, message me for invite
297 titan looking for help with raid
Lf 1 for sisters cp
I have sisters cp if anyone wants to start it up. I'm well experienced with malice.
Looking for raid team help just add my gt I love to help people out ill be running raid next reset tomorro
Need to do raid 295 hunter
looking to do raid 1st time 296 warlock xbox 1 gt same as above
Level 305 Hunter looking for Golgoroth checkpoint with experienced players. Black spindle Invite Superior Tyler
Need 4 more for sister checkpoint must know what your doing msg my gt I'm want invite
Need 2 more for daughters CP, knowing how to do Oryx would be good and please NO Kinect chat and mist be friendly as were a good nice talky team Message my GT which is my name.
Need 2 for oryx cp
Looking for a group for the raid. I'm a warlock light 292. I've done a couple of raids before but not the Kings fall. Want players good with communication and listening. If anyone needs another player invite me. Xbox GT ChicoThaGod
Need 1 more person Have 5 Experienced Already Msg Half Past Tim for Invite
Inexperienced with new raid as i just bought the expansion. im Light level 290 and a experience raider in older content so i can listen and do what im told well. Looking for a raid group. My gamertag is the same name for anyone willing to accept me=)
Looking for raid team warlock gt fragtrap010 with golgoroth cp or need 5 for raid
Completed every week. Currently getting third account through it. Set at 295. Level won't be an issue. Malace, 310 scout. Inv Pontiac GTP 99. Golg cp
Looking for raid team warlock gt fragtrap010 with golgoroth cp or need 5 for raid
Have two inexperienced looking to do raid for the first time 292 light for both please add if your interested
looking to do raid fist time xbox 1 gt same as above inv me
Looking to join a kings fall raid Warpriest cp or over . light 297 Gt Chet Spaghett
Need one more for fresh raid GT: SwaggyMG
*293 Light Lvl. Warlock Looking for 3 more for a KiNGS FALL [ORYX CP] -I've done the raid several times, >new character< Msg GT: youcantseeme718 [XBOX ONE]
298 Hunter need team!!! Have Golgorath checkpoint!!! Willing to start fresh!!! Msg for or with invite!! GT same as above!!!!!
295 titan for raid
Lvl 290 Titan w/ working mic gt Half Past Tim
Need 5 for sisters cp! :D Message DaGunslinger19 for invite :D 290 + please